2012/1/7 Alexander Moskaliov <ir...@irker.net>:
> Hello Yannick and all!
> I created branch for PHPDOE with Git support.
> http://svn.php.net/viewvc/web/doc-editor/branches/GIT_READY/
> I little tested it, so may contain errors.
> I used it for $Revision$ keyword:
> https://github.com/TheFrozenFire/git-rcs-keywords

Nice, thanks.

> new:
> - Git support
> - local.*.ini for local project settings
> - Simple autoload for classes
> tricks:
> - After commit new files, rm & git checkout it for update $Revision$ keyword
IIRC, you can do just git checkout, rm is not needed. It's also can be
done for whole repo, like this: git checkout <repo rootdir here>
> - Use git fetch & merge instead of pull, so there were no problems with
> rcs-keywords filters

Maybe it would be safer use git fetch && git reset --hard
origin/<branchname> insteadof merge, since merge can be aborted if
working copy is dirty (uncommited changes) or has some conflicting
commits. This approach works though if you wish to reject local
changes and always accept remote ones, anyways, it should be
thoroughly tested before going into production.

> I have free time until January 23, but I freeze my work on PHPDoE until as
> there is no details about the structure of the PHP Documentation in Git.
> With regards, Alexander Moskaliov
> ir...@irker.net

Shein Alexey

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