I have committed your patch, thank you.

On 24-03-2012 21:13, Jesús Ruiz García wrote:
Thanks for your response and your help, Maciek Sokolewicz.

Attached both patches fixed.

I have made ​​the change I've indicated. Although not if I managed to do
Check this and tell me if is OK or not.

A greeting.

El 24 de marzo de 2012 19:24, Maciek Sokolewicz
<maciek.sokolew...@gmail.com <mailto:maciek.sokolew...@gmail.com>> escribió:

    On 24-03-2012 13 <tel:24-03-2012%2013>:43, Jesús Ruiz García wrote:

        I forgot to send these as patches in the editor.

        Sorry and thanks.

    I can commit these patches for you, however I want to modify them
    slightly, since they are not in correct english (in isProtected it
    should either say "mechanisms are" or "mechanism is" instead of a
    combination of both; and in both it should say "an MPEG file"
    instead of "a MPEG file"). Unfortunately, I can only choose to
    commit or reject the patch, and not to validate it so I can alter
    the patch before committing.

    All these "only a global or language admin can do that"-errors are
    starting to annoy me. Perhaps I could just be added to the English
    language admins list? Or all such "bugs" (which IMO they are) could
    be resolved? Though I think that will be hard since noone seems to
    know exactly who should be able to do what, when...

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