On Jun 4, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Stelian Mocanita wrote:

> Hello guys,
> The installation documentation for the AMQP 
> (http://www.php.net/manual/en/amqp.installation.php) is totally off. The guys 
> at RabbitMQ moved their code from mercurial to git ( 
> https://github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c ), and the documentation provides an how 
> to install from mercurial. The mercurial repo is now empty ( has one simple 
> readme.md file ) and obviously the installation will fail.
> Could you guys point me to someone who can update that page to fix the 
> installation notes? There are step by step notes in the readme.md in the git 
> repo above, so it wouldn't take much time to fix. If necessary, I can help 
> with that, just need to get in contact with the right person.

Greetings Stelian,

One option is for you to submit a patch, with the online editor being 
one method. To do this:

 1. Go to a manual page, such as the one quoted above
 2. Click the [edit] link near the top right
 3. Login, edit, submit

Give it a try, and good luck :) The editor is in active development so
if something doesn't work or if you have a question then feel free to 
write it here or via IRC (#php.doc on Efnet, which can also be reached 
from within the online editor).


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