Hello everyone,

What do people think about the PHP manual layout? Let's compare three versions:

  1. Current site:

  2. Current prototype (which may launch January 2013):
  3. An old example based on sphinx (via Python):

Please sift through these three examples (and maybe others, for other projects) 
and determine how we should proceed. The beta/prototype site will go live within
a month or two so let's be ready. Let's improve the prototype.

For me, when evaluating the prototype, this means:

  1. Improving contrast. The current site hurts my eyeballs. This is why
     the sphinx (3) example above is so nice. 

  2. Tighter (less) whitespace, especially for code highlighting.

Mainly it's the lack of contrast. If given the choice (as a user preference
on the site) I'd use the sphinx version for this reason, although I don't 
believe this is a real choice.

What say you? 


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