
On Tue, 9 Jul 2013 15:56:04 -0700
Philip Olson <phi...@roshambo.org> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> It appears the CHM is broken. Richard and Kalle, can you have a 
> look? Or anyone else that loves to work with CHM + PhD + Windows?

I tried to build "en" chm file with PHP 5.3.27 Windows and Phd 1.1.6
on Windows 7. I had to tweak doc-base/scripts/build_chms.php a little
but seemed to build it successfully.

Philip, if this problem is under way, can you check the following "en"
 chms? If these chm fixes problem, maybe Kalle's Windows environment
is something broken and I will be able to submit a patch of my tweaks.

Normal chm:
With user notes:

When you check them, please unblock them with the right click. 


Best Regards.

Yoshinari Takaoka (mumumu@IRC)
reversethis -> gro tod umumum ta umumum

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