On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 9:44 PM, Niel Archer <niel.arc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A number of times over the last year I've seen documentation bugs
> reported I could fix myself with the online editor. Only to find when
> attempting to do so, that they were blocked by a previous edit that has
> not been commited as a patch. A good example of this is a recent bug
> report:
> https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65370
> I beleive this is the second time a similar comment has been made on
> this page and I have found the page still blocked by edits made by an
> anonymous user 24488.
> Is there any way that older saved edits can either be reviewed and
> commited/dropped or failing that just dropped after a reasonable amount
> of time has passed.
> I believe in most cases that the user making these edits has not
> realised that saving them does not automatically commit and that they
> need to make a separate patch for that to happen.
> --
> Niel Archer
I've cleared the changes in the online editor for the file indicated in bug

If the user does not submit their changes as a patch others users in the
online editor without admin rights will not be able to modify the same file.

Let me know if there is any other specific pages in the manual you are
trying to edit that are currently locked due to pending changes and I will
be happy to take a look.


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