On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Yannick Torrès <yannick.tor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hannes,
> Sorry for the late, I'm just back from holidays.
> 2013/7/19 Hannes Magnusson <bj...@php.net>
>> So.. How does it work?
>> Does it execute PhD from a specific path, or uses the globally installed
>> binary?
> When I install the preview functionality, all works as espected. But now
> (and I don't know when this stop), it's just don't work at all.
> Here is a command line example to make a preview file :
> ====
> cd '/home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/';
>  /usr/bin/php doc-base/configure.php --with-php='/usr/bin/php'
> --generate='en/preface.xml';
>  /usr/bin/php ../phd/render.php --package PHP --format php --memoryindex -d
> doc-base/.manual.xml --output
> '/home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all-new/output-9c337aaf8d50bdb5a69126867ce5e2c6/'
> ====
> On the edit.php.net server, PHP binary is the one who are here :
> /usr/bin/php
> When this command line is executed, I take this error :
> ===
> configure.php: $Id: configure.php 330577 2013-06-20 23:22:04Z bjori $"
> 1: "PHP version: 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.2"
> 2: ""
> 3: "Checking for source directory...
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base"
> 4: "Checking for output filename...
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base/.manual.xml"
> 5: "Checking whether to include CHM... no"
> 6: "Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php5"
> 7: "Checking for language to build... en"
> 8: "Checking whether the language is supported... yes"
> 9: "Checking for partial build... no"
> 10: "Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no"
> 11: "Checking libxml version... 2.9.0"
> 12: "Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)...
> yes"
> 13: "Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but
> segfaults)... yes"
> 14: "Generating
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml...
> done"
> 15: "Generating
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml...
> done"
> 16: "Generating
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml...
> done"
> 17: "Generating
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml...
> done"
> 18: "Generating
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php...
> done"
> 19: "Iterating over extension specific version files... OK"
> 20: "Saving it... OK"
> 21: "Creating file
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent...
> done"
> 22: "Checking for if we should generate a simplified file...
> /home/yannick/Logiciels/doc-editor/data/phpdoc-all/en/preface.xml"
> 23: "Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... yes"
> 24: "Loading and parsing developer.template.xml... done."
> 25: "Validating developer.template.xml... failed."
> 26: ""
> 27: "The document didn't validate, writing .manual.xml anyway, and here are
> the errors I got:"
> 28: "(If this isn't enough information, try again with
> --enable-xml-details)"
> 29: " [01;32m[23:09:20 - Rendering Style       ] [m Running full build"
> 30: " [01;32m[23:09:20 - Indexing              ] [m Indexing..."
> 31: ""
> ===
>> And how does it work today, does the OE somehow svn checkout PhD or
>> something like that?
> No. Actually, there is no checkout for PhD.
> I just check and... PhD have been suppress from data/ folder into
> edit.php.net server ?! It's not the case before my holydays.....
> Anyways, could you please tell me how I can install again PhD into data/
> folder in the right way ? And could you tell me why I receive this error ?
> Is there a problem with the command line used ?

The error you are getting from configure.php is normal.
The "preview" functionality doesn't include the full manual, and only
guesses what the container chunk should be, so minor validation errors
such as missing IDREF and invalid container are expected - which is
why configure.php happily continues and saves the file.

When PhD is executing.. Is the last line really the indexing line?
There is no output whatsoever after that?
Does it write any files?

The only issue I can see in that command is you are passing
.manual.xml to -d, which means you are telling PhD to build the entire
manual.. Where as the argument to configure.php tells it to save


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