
No I wasn't aware of that license agreement.

I'm happy with that agreement and am willing to sign the contract. The
license agreement states that I should sign the document, are they
suggesting pen-to-paper signature or otherwise? In either case, I'm happy



> Hi Kieran,
> On the subject of Contributors License Agreement, I just wanted to
> make sure we're talking about the same thing (for my peace of
> mind :-) ).  SCA_SDO has two licenses, one which covers people using
> the project (this is just the standard Apache 2 license and is linked
> to in the code copyright statements), and one which covers people
> contributing code to the project.  The second license is there to
> ensure that anyone contributing code and intellectual property has the
> right to do so.  This is in place to protect contributors and users of
> the project (see Apache, Zend Framework and eZ Component for other
> projects which use CLAs).
> The Contributors License Agreement is as follows and can be found in
> the downloadable package.  The process is to send a completed copy to
> the email address mentioned in the agreement.  If you choose to
> complete and send the agreement, please could you copy me on the note
> so I know where we are :-) .  Let me know if you have any questions
> about this (BTW: I'm still trying to find out about the project name
> change - SDO changed to SCA_SDO).
> Is this the license you were referring too?
> SDO for PHP: Individual Contributor License Agreement ("Agreement")
> Thank you for your interest in the SDO for PHP Project, a project that
> IBM has
> contributed to and is moving forward with the open source community.
> In order to
> clarify the intellectual property license granted with Contributions
> from any
> person or entity, the SDO for PHP project requires all contributors to
> submit an
> individual Contributor License Agreement ("CLA"), indicating their
> agreement to
> the license terms below.  This Agreement is for your protection as a
> Contributor, as well as for the protection of the Project and its
> users as a
> whole; in particular, it is not intended that this Agreement should
> change any
> of your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose.
> If you have not already done so, please complete and send the
> Agreement to SDO
> for PHP project at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read this document
> carefully
> before signing, and keep a copy for your records.
> Full name:        --------------------
> E-Mail:           --------------------
> user ID:  --------------------
> Mailing Address:  --------------------
>                   --------------------
>                   --------------------
>                   --------------------
> Telephone:        --------------------
> Facsimile:        --------------------
> Country:          --------------------
> You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your
> present and
> future Contributions submitted to the SDO for PHP project.
> 1. Definitions.
>    "You" (or "Your") means (or refers to) the person signing this
> Agreement and
>    includes, if the signatory is representing an organization or other
> legal
>    entity, that legal entity and any of its subsidiaries or
> Affiliates, as
>    identified below.
>    "Affiliate" means an entity that directly or indirectly Controls,
> is
>    Controlled by or is under common Control with, a party to this
> Agreement;
>    and, for these purposes, "Control" shall mean the direct or
> indirect
>    beneficial ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting
> stock of,
>    or decision making authority in the event that there is no voting
> stock in, a
>    relevant entity.
>    "Contribution" means any original work of authorship, including any
>    modification or addition to an existing work, that is intentionally
> submitted
>    by You to the SDO for PHP project for inclusion in, or
> documentation of, any
>    of the products owned or managed by the SDO for PHP project; and,
> for these
>    purposes, "Submitted" includes any form of electronic, verbal, or
> written
>    communication sent to the SDO for PHP project or its
> representatives or to
>    SDO for PHP project-run electronic mailing lists, source code
> control
>    systems, or issue tracking systems.  Contributions do not include
> any
>    communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated
> in writing
>    by You as "Not a Contribution".
> 2. Grant of Copyright License.
> Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You hereby
> grant to the
> SDO for PHP project, and to recipients of software and other materials
> distributed by the SDO for PHP project, a perpetual, world-wide, non-
> exclusive,
> no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce,
> prepare
> derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense,
> and
> distribute each of Your Contributions and such derivative works.
> 3. Grant of Patent License.
> Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You hereby
> grant to the
> SDO for PHP project, and to recipients of software and other materials
> distributed by the SDO for PHP project, a perpetual, world-wide, non-
> exclusive,
> no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this
> section) patent
> license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and
> otherwise
> transfer each of Your Contributions, where such license applies only
> to those
> patent claims licensable by You and that, but for this Agreement,
> would
> necessarily be infringed by the use of Your Contribution alone or by
> the
> combination of Your Contribution with the SDO for PHP project.  If any
> entity
> institutes patent litigation against You or any other entity
> (including a cross-
> claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that your Contribution,
> or the SDO
> for PHP project, constitutes direct or contributory patent
> infringement, then
> any patent license granted to that entity under this Agreement for
> that
> Contribution shall automatically terminate (without further notice to
> such
> entity) as of the date when such litigation is filed.
> 4. Representations.
> 4.1     You represent that You are legally entitled to grant the above
> licenses.
> If You are an employee and Your employer has rights to intellectual
> property
> that You create that includes Your Contributions, You represent that:
> (a) You
> have received permission to make Contributions on behalf of that
> employer, (b)
> Your employer has waived such rights for your Contributions to the SDO
> for PHP
> project, or (c) your employer has executed a separate Corporate CLA
> with the SDO
> for PHP project.
> 4.2     You represent that each of Your Contributions is an original
> creation,
> created by yourself or by yourself with one or more employees of the
> Contributor's employers and any of its Affiliates (see section 6 below
> for
> submissions on behalf of others).
> 4.3     You represent that Your Contribution submissions include
> complete
> details of any third-party license or other restriction (including,
> but not
> limited to, related patents and trademarks) of which You are
> personally aware
> and which are associated with any part of Your Contributions.
> 4.4     You agree promptly to notify the SDO for PHP project in
> writing of any
> fact or circumstance of which You subsequently become aware that would
> make any
> of the above representations inaccurate in any respect.
> 5. Disclaimers.
> You are not expected to provide any support for Your Contributions,
> except to
> the extent that You desire to provide support. You may provide support
> for free,
> 6. Non-original submissions.
> Should You wish to submit any work that is not Your original creation
> to the SDO
> for PHP project, You may submit it to the SDO for PHP project
> separately from
> any Contribution, identifying the complete details of its source and
> of any
> license or other restriction (including, but not limited to, related
> patents,
> trademarks, and license agreements) of which you are personally aware,
> and
> conspicuously marking the work as "Submitted on behalf of a third-
> party: [named
> here]". You agree not to submit any such non-original material unless
> so marked.
> 7. General.
> 7.1     You and the SDO for PHP project consent to the application of
> laws of
> the State of New York, United States to govern, interpret, and enforce
> all of
> their rights, duties and obligations arising from, or relating in any
> manner to,
> the subject matter of this Agreement, without regard to conflict of
> law
> principles.
> 7.2     Except for the licenses granted above to the SDO for PHP
> project and to
> recipients of software and other materials distributed by the SDO for
> project, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your
> Contributions.
> 7.3     This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and
> understanding
> between You and the SDO for PHP project relating to Contributions to
> the SDO for
> PHP project, and supersedes all prior related understandings,
> agreements and
> communications relating to Contributions to the SDO for PHP project.
> Full Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________
> (Organisation Name): __________________________________
> Signatory Title: __________________________________
> wrote:
> > Hi Kieran
> >
> > I've had a think and consulted with a few people.  I'd like to
> > describe two options.  The first is the easiest to implement and
> > doesn't pollute the interface, and the second is how we should handle
> > this kind of thing longer term, but requires quite a bit more work.
> >
> > Approach 1.  Header class property
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> >
> > I was wondering if we could do something like the following:
> >
> > /**
> >  *
> >  * @service
> >  *
> >  * @types
> >  *
> >  */
> > class MyService {
> >
> >    /**
> >     * @header
> >     * @var
> >     */
> >    public $myheader;
> >
> > }
> >
> > The @header would signify that the $myheader property is expected to
> > come from a header (in this case SoapHeader).  Because it's a class
> > variable, it won't show up as a WSDL operation, but we could reflect
> > on it to generate the right information into the WSDL.  The @var
> > annotation could be used to identify the namespace and type name of
> > the header.  The actual structure would be defined by the schema which
> > is contained in the header.xsd.
> >
> > During initialization of the MyService component we would inject the
> > SDO instance populated from the soap header.  The MyService component
> > is then free to use this as appropriate.
> >
> > There are two open questions for feasibility:
> >
> > 1.  How do we register generically to receive a soap header call from
> > the SoapServer.  The current implementation as outlined by Rob (thanks
> > Rob!) appears to rely on us having a PHP function defined which has a
> > name matching that of the outer header element.
> > 2.  If we can register something, does it use the same type handling
> > code as the body (i.e. will it give us back an SDO).
> >
> > I'm optimistic the answer to 2 is "yes", although this would need to
> > be tested, but I'm pessimistic that there's currently any way to
> > register a generic function or a class to handle the headers.  This
> > doesn't appear to fit with the approach that Rob described.  If we go
> > this route we could prototype and offer a patch to enable it.
> >
> > Approach 2.  Extensible annotations (a longer term thought)
> >
> > The problem with the approach above is it still puts what would
> > normally be infrastructure code into the component.  SCA (the
> > specifications, not the PHP version) defines a Policy and Intent
> > mechanism for describing things like security requirements.  We should
> > make it possible for people to add new annotations (e.g. something
> > like @authentication) and then write code that implements what that
> > means for each protocol (e.g. soap/http).
> >
> > We have started making bindings pluggable using a convention to find
> > then under the Bindings directory.  We could extend this approach to
> > look for specific annotations implementation (e.g. Binding/ws/
> > authentication to find the implementation code for the @authentication
> > annotation).
> >
> > I'd be interested to know whether either of these approaches would
> > work for what you're trying to achieve
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Graham.
> >
> > On 6 Mar, 21:51, "Kieran James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Rob,
> >
> > > I was talking about the PHP SOAP documentation. The SCA documentation
> seems
> > > thorough.
> >
> > > Kieran :)
> >
> > > On 3/6/07, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > On 4 Mar, 16:36, "Kieran James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > > > Rob,
> >
> > > > > Thanks for your input!
> > > > > I've only had brief exposure to PHP's SOAP (I'm from the Java
> camp) and
> > > > I
> > > > > didn't find the documentation very clear (and for that matter, the
> book
> > > > I
> > > > > bought on "Pro PHP XML and Web Services" doesn't cover Headers
> except
> > > > from
> > > > > the consumers point of view). I'm amazed at the simplicity of it.
> >
> > > > Sorry about that. I tried to write about as much of the undocumented
> > > > features, but unfortunately looks like I missed some of it - though
> it
> > > > did get me intimate with the ext/soap source code :)
> >
> > > > Rob
> >

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