
I am developing a JMS binding and would like to discuss some of the
work i've done. basically, a message service listens to a queue at
some JMS message provider e.g. ActiveMQ or IBM Websphere MQ. And a
client or a reference can invoke the service's method by sending
message to its destination queue, and receive the response from a call
back queue, which can be provided at runtime by the client.

I found there is an existing specification for SCA JMS Binding [1]
from OSOA. This spec describes stuff like when receiving a request
which method should be invoked, and how the data/parameters are packed
into a JMS Message. I've already implemented section 1.5 and section
1.7.2 of that spec, and have some thoughts about the conversations
(section 1.7.3), but not yet implemented.

In addition, my solution requires another pecl extension SAM [2] for
connecting to the message providers. The reason of choosing SAM is
because that SAM provides one API for different messaging
infrastructures, and also provides a generic extension mechanism which
makes it easy to add new support. Currently SAM only supports XMS[3]
for IBM products and MQTT, but I've also developed a new Stomp support
for Active MQ, which will be included to the next release of SAM very

If anyone is interested in the JMS binding or have any questions,
please join the discussion here.

Jack Zai

[1] SCA JMS Binding V1.00 (PDF)
[2] SAM - Simple Asynchronous Messaging for PHP (http://pecl.php.net/
[3] XMS - 

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