Rather tardy of me, but hopefully better late than never... Thanks for
doing this Matthew!

Regards, Graham.

On 4 Mar, 10:58, Matthew Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have built and released FULMAR as 1.2.4
> The contents are:
> # The ability to control the operations on a service interface through
> a PHP interface
> by specifying the PHP interface on the @service annotation - e.g.
> @service MyServiceInterface
> # PECL bug 11997 - don't remove xsi:type (except on top level soap
> message or response)
> # PECL bug 11996 - not showing LIBXML2 parse errors
> # PECL bug 12193 - alphabetical order of namespaces causes failure
> # PECL bug 12103 - saveString doesn't encode entities
> # PECL bug 12443 - unable to access an XSD property containing a
> hyphen (-)
> # PECL bug 13101 - Repeated nill elements of extended type cause
> "Parser found unknown element" exception
> # Fix to add wsdl namespace prefix to element in WSDL, without which
> it will not validate.
> # Fix for Tuscany AccessViolation problem when serializing a DO
> # Backward-compatible updates to SDO extension so that it will work
> with PHP 5.3
> # Backward-compatible updates to SCA so that it will work with PHP
> 5.3.
> # Fix for failures that occur when using the soap extension - see
> thread "SCA Webservice in WSDL mode"
> # Substantial rework of the examples to illustrate more bindings - see
> examples/SCA/index.html
> Some of the regression tests are not working and I have made them
> skip, but raised defects on PECL. I decided I did not want to wait any
> longer. The phpunit tests all run and so do the examples under apache
> Here is the phpt output:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] tests]$ sudo pear run-tests -r
> Running 22 tests
> PASS [ 1/22] Check for sdo presence[SDO/phpt/001.phpt]
> PASS [ 2/22] SDO getType test[SDO/phpt/002.phpt]
> PASS [ 3/22] SDO var_dump test[SDO/phpt/003.phpt]
> PASS [ 4/22] SDO_DAS_XML load test[SDO/phpt/005.phpt]
> PASS [ 5/22] SDO reflection test[SDO/phpt/006.phpt]
> PASS [ 6/22] SDO exception test[SDO/phpt/007.phpt]
> PASS [ 7/22] SDO_DAS_XML print test[SDO/phpt/008.phpt]
> PASS [ 8/22] SDO test for copy object with property set to null[SDO/
> phpt/bug10049.phpt]
> SKIP SDO test xpath reference to nested open properties[SDO/phpt/
> bug10842.phpt](reason: test requires version > 1.2.4)
> SKIP SDO test for reading nillable elements[SDO/phpt/bug8694.phpt]
> (reason: bug8694 is bogus)
> PASS [11/22] test for bug #9243 - unnecessary warning messages loading
> remote schema[SDO/phpt/bug9243.phpt]
> PASS [12/22] SDO test unstructured text in sequence is preserved when
> a DataObject is cloned[SDO/phpt/bug9487.phpt]PASS [13/22] SDO test for
> namespaces[SDO/phpt/bug9867.phpt]
> PASS [14/22] SDO (another) test for copy object with property set to
> null[SDO/phpt/bug9991.phpt]
> PASS [15/22] Call a local component[SCA/phpt/001.phpt]
> PASS [16/22] Call a remote component with a simple scalar type (string)
> [SCA/phpt/002.phpt]
> PASS [17/22] Call a remote component with a structured type[SCA/phpt/
> 003.phpt]
> PASS [18/22] Generate a service description (WSDL)[SCA/phpt/004.phpt]
> SKIP SDO test for alphabetical type order bug[SCA/phpt/bug13090.phpt]
> (reason: test requires version > 1.2.4)
> SKIP SCA - test for WSDL which imports schema with no schemaLocation
> attribute[SCA/phpt/bug8428.phpt](reason: test requires version >
> 1.2.4)
> PASS [21/22] SDO_DAS_XML test for escaping XML output stringss[DAS/XML/
> phpt/bug12103.phpt]
> PASS [22/22] SDO_DAS_XML test for element name containing hyphen[DAS/
> XML/phpt/bug12443.phpt]
> TOTAL TIME: 00:07
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