Thanks Graham,

the service works just fine, then I guess its just a diferent version of the
tutorial's wsdl example. I will study some more wsdl and sdo to undrstand it


2008/11/19 Graham Charters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Bruno, so far as I can tell, the types are soap types, not the
> types on your service portType (interface).  We have gone through many
> iterations of WSDL generation (sometimes with xsi:type, sometimes
> without :-S ) to try to get interop sorted out.  What you show many
> not actually be wrong.  Does the service actually fail?  If so, can
> you include the entire WSDL and a description of the failure?
> Regards, Graham.
> On 19 Nov, 14:18, "Bruno Reis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi there, I followed the IBM tutotial on:
> >
> >
> >
> > I downloaded the sources and it run ok, but on my wsdl I do not get the
> > param and return types as shown on the tutorial.
> >
> > on the tutorial:
> >
> > <binding name="WeatherServiceBinding"
> >            type="tns2:WeatherServicePortType">
> >     <operation name="getTemperature">
> >       <input>
> >         *<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>*
> >       </input>
> >       <output>
> >         *<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>*
> >       </output>
> >       <tns3:operation xsi:type="tns3:tOperation" soapAction=""/>
> >     </operation>
> >     <tns3:binding xsi:type="tns3:tBinding"
> >                   transport="";
> >                   style="document"/>
> >   </binding>
> >
> > I get:
> >
> > <wsdl:binding name="WeatherServiceBinding"
> > type="tns2:WeatherServicePortType">
> > <soap:binding transport="";
> > style="document"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="getTemperature">
> > <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
> > −
> > *<wsdl:input>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:input>
> > −
> > <wsdl:output>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:output>*
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > </wsdl:binding>
> >
> > What is wrong with this?
> > Shall I define another namespace or put the xsd on another place?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Bruno
> >

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