Sweet, that is even better.

Best regards,
Levi Stanley

Kornel Lesiński wrote:
> On 26-01-2009 at 19:53:39 Levi Stanley <l...@eneservices.com> wrote:
>> admirau:
>> class MyTemplateFramework extends PHPTAL {
>>     private $default_macro_file;
>>     public function setDefaultFile($default_macro_file){
>>        $this->default_macro_file;
>>     }
>>     public function executeMacro($path){
>>           if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\/([a-z0-9_]*)$/i', $path, $m)){
>>                 list(,$file,$macroName) = $m;
>>                 if (!is_file($file) &&
>> strlen($this->default_macro_file)>0){
>>                     $path = $this->default_macro_file.'/$macroName';
>>                 }
>>           }
>>           parent::executeMacro($path);
>>     }
>> }
>> Won't work for you?
> This works only for external macros. I've just committed improved
> exception handling that allows fallback for local macro names:
> class MyTemplateFramework extends PHPTAL {
>     public function executeMacro($path)
>     {
>         try
>         {
>             parent::executeMacro($path);
>         }        catch(PHPTAL_MacroMissingException $e)
>         {
>             parent::executeMacro($this->default_macro_file.'/'.$path);
>         }
>     }
> }

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