Even with a tool like PHPTAL, the array templates for extremely dynamic
sites can become difficult to manage, from a designer's point of view.  So,
my thought was to use prefilters to modify the rendered markup, dumping
information about the original tal markup.  Then, adding a javascript based
(greasemonkey maybe?) inspection tool that would reveal things such as "what
translation key generated this block of text" or "what macro did this block
of html come from", giving designers, even developers, the ability to simply
look at the site and click on the region they want to modify and be told
exactly where to find it's source.

Anyway, the i18n attributes were easy to deal with using a prefilter;
however, I came to find by the time the prefilters are triggered, all macros
have been evaluated and placed inline, making it impossible to determine
what macro each block of markup belongs to.

So, before I begin my journey into the heart of PHPTAL to figure this out,
has anyone dealt with something similar?  Do you have suggestions on where
to start looking?  Or, preferably, is there a way to accomplish the above
using hooks already provided by PHPTAL?

Darrell Hamilton,
Software Developer,
4over, Inc
818-246-1170 ext. 285
PHPTAL mailing list

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