Hello Greg.

> Please try my server: http://www.xmldesigners.com/php/xml-rpc/xmlrpc/
> each of the following files should provide the correct response:
> ...

I tried all these, and they are all running, but the Server xmlrpc.heddley.com
(in the sources of the distribution) did not run. ?

> if they do we'll replicate your server to "look" like mine.

I´m not really certain in the Linux"world" (my brother helped my installing the
, so I would prefer to find the error on the Windows System ;-), but I hope you
can help me nevertheless. (Another reason: it is for my diploma thesis and I
have to demonstrate it on a WinNt-system at the university, I´m not allowed to
install a Linux environment there)

> Please provide me with the URL of your xml-rpc server, so I can look at your
> files.

the server did not have a URL because I´m trying all these things in a LAN, but
I can take the files on a normal server so you can daownload it if you like. The
files are available at http://www.privat-netz.de/php (I had to rename them to
.php.txt, because the server want to execute them but is not allowed to.)



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