Author: allain.lalonde
Date: Wed Jul 15 12:17:10 2009
New Revision: 473


Removing local private members which are no longer needed since Buffering  
has been removed.

Also applied the formatting defined in the eclipse formatting file.

Wed Jul 15 12:17:10 2009
@@ -52,119 +52,120 @@
  import java.util.Arrays;

-  This message was sent to Sun on August 27, 1999
+ This message was sent to Sun on August 27, 1999

-  -----------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------

-  We are currently developing Piccolo, a "scenegraph" for use in 2D  
-  One of our ultimate goals is to support Swing lightweight components
-  within Piccolo, whose graphical space supports arbitray affine  
-  The challenge in this pursuit is getting the components to respond and
-  render properly though not actually displayed in a standard Java  
-  hierarchy.
-  The first issues involved making the Swing components focusable and
-  showing.  This was accomplished by adding the Swing components to a 0x0
-  JComponent which was in turn added to our main Piccolo application  
-  To our good fortune, a Java component is showing merely if it and its
-  ancestors are showing and not based on whether it is ACTUALLY visible.
-  Likewise, focus in a JComponent depends merely on the component's
-  containing window having focus.
-  The second issue involved capturing the repaint calls on a Swing
-  component.  Normally, for a repaint and the consequent call to
-  paintImmediately, a Swing component obtains the Graphics object necessary
-  to render itself through the Java component heirarchy.  However, for  
-  we would like the component to render using a Graphics object that  
-  may have arbitrarily transformed in some way.  By capturing in the
-  RepaintManager the repaint calls made on our special Swing components, we
-  are able to redirect the repaint requests through the Piccolo  
architecture to
-  put the Graphics in its proper context.  Unfortunately, this means that
-  if the Swing component contains other Swing components, then any repaint
-  requests made by one of these nested components must go through
-  the Piccolo architecture then through the top level Swing component
-  down to the nested Swing component.  This normally doesn't cause a
-  problem.  However, if calling paint on one of these nested
-  children causes a call to repaint then an infinite loop ensues.  This  
-  in fact happen in the Swing components that use cell renderers.  Before
-  the cell renderer is painted, it is invalidated and consequently
-  repainted.  We solved this problem by putting a lock on repaint calls for
-  a component while that component is painting.  (A similar problem faced
-  the Swing team over this same issue.  They solved it by inserting a
-  CellRendererPane to capture the renderer's invalidate calls.)
-  Another issue arose over the forwarding of mouse events to the Swing
-  components.  Since our Swing components are not actually displayed on
-  screen in the standard manner, we must manually dispatch any MouseEvents
-  we want the component to receive.  Hence, we needed to find the deepest
-  visible component at a particular location that accepts MouseEvents.
-  Finding the deepest visible component at a point was achieved with the
-  "findComponentAt" method in java.awt.Container.  With the
-  "getListeners(Class listenerType)" method added in JDK1.3 Beta we are  
-  to determine if the component has any Mouse Listeners. However, we  
-  yet found a way to determine if MouseEvents have been specifically  
-  for a component. The package private method "eventEnabled" in
-  java.awt.Component does exactly what we want but is, of course,
-  inaccessible.  In order to dispatch events correctly we would need a
-  public accessor to the method "boolean eventEnabled(AWTEvent)" in
-  java.awt.Component.
-  Still another issue involves the management of cursors when the mouse is
-  over a Swing component in our application.  To the Java mechanisms, the
-  mouse never appears to enter the bounds of the Swing components since  
-  are contained by a 0x0 JComponent.  Hence, we must manually change the
-  cursor when the mouse enters one of the Swing components in our
-  application. This generally works but becomes a problem if the Swing
-  component's cursor changes while we are over that Swing component (for
-  instance, if you resize a Table Column).  In order to manage cursors
-  properly, we would need setCursor to fire property change events.
-  With the above fixes, most Swing components work.  The only Swing
-  components that are definitely broken are ToolTips and those that rely on
-  JPopupMenu. In order to implement ToolTips properly, we would need to  
-  a method in ToolTipManager that allows us to set the current manager, as
-  is possible with RepaintManager.  In order to implement JPopupMenu, we
-  will likely need to reimplement JPopupMenu to function in Piccolo with
-  a transformed Graphics and to insert itself in the proper place in the
-  Piccolo scenegraph.
+ We are currently developing Piccolo, a "scenegraph" for use in 2D  
+ One of our ultimate goals is to support Swing lightweight components
+ within Piccolo, whose graphical space supports arbitray affine transforms.
+ The challenge in this pursuit is getting the components to respond and
+ render properly though not actually displayed in a standard Java component
+ hierarchy.
+ The first issues involved making the Swing components focusable and
+ showing.  This was accomplished by adding the Swing components to a 0x0
+ JComponent which was in turn added to our main Piccolo application  
+ To our good fortune, a Java component is showing merely if it and its
+ ancestors are showing and not based on whether it is ACTUALLY visible.
+ Likewise, focus in a JComponent depends merely on the component's
+ containing window having focus.
+ The second issue involved capturing the repaint calls on a Swing
+ component.  Normally, for a repaint and the consequent call to
+ paintImmediately, a Swing component obtains the Graphics object necessary
+ to render itself through the Java component heirarchy.  However, for  
+ we would like the component to render using a Graphics object that Piccolo
+ may have arbitrarily transformed in some way.  By capturing in the
+ RepaintManager the repaint calls made on our special Swing components, we
+ are able to redirect the repaint requests through the Piccolo  
architecture to
+ put the Graphics in its proper context.  Unfortunately, this means that
+ if the Swing component contains other Swing components, then any repaint
+ requests made by one of these nested components must go through
+ the Piccolo architecture then through the top level Swing component
+ down to the nested Swing component.  This normally doesn't cause a
+ problem.  However, if calling paint on one of these nested
+ children causes a call to repaint then an infinite loop ensues.  This does
+ in fact happen in the Swing components that use cell renderers.  Before
+ the cell renderer is painted, it is invalidated and consequently
+ repainted.  We solved this problem by putting a lock on repaint calls for
+ a component while that component is painting.  (A similar problem faced
+ the Swing team over this same issue.  They solved it by inserting a
+ CellRendererPane to capture the renderer's invalidate calls.)
+ Another issue arose over the forwarding of mouse events to the Swing
+ components.  Since our Swing components are not actually displayed on
+ screen in the standard manner, we must manually dispatch any MouseEvents
+ we want the component to receive.  Hence, we needed to find the deepest
+ visible component at a particular location that accepts MouseEvents.
+ Finding the deepest visible component at a point was achieved with the
+ "findComponentAt" method in java.awt.Container.  With the
+ "getListeners(Class listenerType)" method added in JDK1.3 Beta we are able
+ to determine if the component has any Mouse Listeners. However, we haven't
+ yet found a way to determine if MouseEvents have been specifically enabled
+ for a component. The package private method "eventEnabled" in
+ java.awt.Component does exactly what we want but is, of course,
+ inaccessible.  In order to dispatch events correctly we would need a
+ public accessor to the method "boolean eventEnabled(AWTEvent)" in
+ java.awt.Component.
+ Still another issue involves the management of cursors when the mouse is
+ over a Swing component in our application.  To the Java mechanisms, the
+ mouse never appears to enter the bounds of the Swing components since they
+ are contained by a 0x0 JComponent.  Hence, we must manually change the
+ cursor when the mouse enters one of the Swing components in our
+ application. This generally works but becomes a problem if the Swing
+ component's cursor changes while we are over that Swing component (for
+ instance, if you resize a Table Column).  In order to manage cursors
+ properly, we would need setCursor to fire property change events.
+ With the above fixes, most Swing components work.  The only Swing
+ components that are definitely broken are ToolTips and those that rely on
+ JPopupMenu. In order to implement ToolTips properly, we would need to have
+ a method in ToolTipManager that allows us to set the current manager, as
+ is possible with RepaintManager.  In order to implement JPopupMenu, we
+ will likely need to reimplement JPopupMenu to function in Piccolo with
+ a transformed Graphics and to insert itself in the proper place in the
+ Piccolo scenegraph.

+ */

   * <b>PSwing</b> is used to add Swing Components to a Piccolo canvas.
   * <p>
   * Example: adding a swing JButton to a PCanvas:
+ *
   * <pre>
- *     PSwingCanvas canvas = new PSwingCanvas();
- *     JButton button = new JButton("Button");
- *     swing = new PSwing(canvas, button);
- *     canvas.getLayer().addChild(swing);
+ * PSwingCanvas canvas = new PSwingCanvas();
+ * JButton button = new JButton(&quot;Button&quot;);
+ * swing = new PSwing(canvas, button);
+ * canvas.getLayer().addChild(swing);
+ *
   * <pre>
   * </p>
   * <p>
- * NOTE: PSwing has the current limitation that it does not listen for
- *       Container events.  This is only an issue if you create a PSwing
- *       and later add Swing components to the PSwing's component hierarchy
- *       that do not have double buffering turned off or have a smaller  
- *       size than the minimum font size of the original PSwing's component
- *       hierarchy.
+ * NOTE: PSwing has the current limitation that it does not listen for  
+ * events. This is only an issue if you create a PSwing and later add Swing
+ * components to the PSwing's component hierarchy that do not have double
+ * buffering turned off or have a smaller font size than the minimum font  
+ * of the original PSwing's component hierarchy.
   * </p>
   * <p>
- *       For instance, the following bit of code will give unexpected
- *       results:
- *       <pre>
- *            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
- *            PSwing swing = new PSwing(panel);
- *            JPanel newChild = new JPanel();
- *            newChild.setDoubleBuffered(true);
- *            panel.add(newChild);
- *       </pre>
+ * For instance, the following bit of code will give unexpected results:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * JPanel panel = new JPanel();
+ * PSwing swing = new PSwing(panel);
+ * JPanel newChild = new JPanel();
+ * newChild.setDoubleBuffered(true);
+ * panel.add(newChild);
+ * </pre>
+ *
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * NOTE: PSwing cannot be correctly interacted with through multiple  
@@ -174,28 +175,27 @@
   * NOTE: PSwing is
   * </p>
   * <p>
- * <b>Warning:</b> Serialized objects of this class will not be
- * compatible with future Piccolo releases. The current serialization  
support is
- * appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running  
- * same version of Piccolo. A future release of Piccolo will provide  
support for long
- * term persistence.
+ * <b>Warning:</b> Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible  
+ * future Piccolo releases. The current serialization support is  
appropriate for
+ * short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version  
+ * Piccolo. A future release of Piccolo will provide support for long term
+ * persistence.
   * </p>
- *
+ *
   * @author Sam R. Reid
   * @author Benjamin B. Bederson
   * @author Lance E. Good
- *
- * 3-23-2007 edited to automatically detect PCamera/PSwingCanvas to allow  
single-arg constructor usage
+ *
+ *         3-23-2007 edited to automatically detect PCamera/PSwingCanvas to
+ *         allow single-arg constructor usage
  public class PSwing extends PNode implements Serializable,  
PropertyChangeListener {

-     * Used as a hashtable key for this object in the Swing component's
-     * client properties.
+     * Used as a hashtable key for this object in the Swing component's  
+     * properties.
      public static final String PSWING_PROPERTY = "PSwing";
-    private static final AffineTransform IDENTITY_TRANSFORM = new  
      private static PBounds TEMP_REPAINT_BOUNDS2 = new PBounds();

@@ -205,26 +205,28 @@
      private JComponent component = null;
      private double minFontSize = Double.MAX_VALUE;
      private Stroke defaultStroke = new BasicStroke();
-    private Font defaultFont = new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 );
-    private BufferedImage buffer;
-    private static final Color BUFFER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Color( 0, 0,  
0, 0 );
+    private Font defaultFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12);
      private PSwingCanvas canvas;

-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    ///////Following fields are for automatic canvas/camera detection
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /*/keep track of which nodes we've attached listeners to since no  
built in support in PNode*/
+    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // /////Following fields are for automatic canvas/camera detection
+    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /*
+     * /keep track of which nodes we've attached listeners to since no  
built in
+     * support in PNode
+     */
      private ArrayList listeningTo = new ArrayList();

-    /*The parent listener for camera/canvas changes*/
+    /* The parent listener for camera/canvas changes */
      private PropertyChangeListener parentListener = new  
PropertyChangeListener() {
-        public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt ) {
+        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
              PNode parent = (PNode) evt.getNewValue();
              clearListeners((PNode) evt.getOldValue());
-            if( parent != null ) {
-                listenForCanvas( parent );
-            } else {
-                updateCanvas( null );
+            if (parent != null) {
+                listenForCanvas(parent);
+            }
+            else {
+                updateCanvas(null);

@@ -232,21 +234,21 @@

       * Constructs a new visual component wrapper for the Swing component.
-     *
+     *
       * @param component The swing component to be wrapped
      public PSwing(JComponent component) {
          this.component = component;
-        component.putClientProperty( PSWING_PROPERTY, this );
-        init( component );
+        component.putClientProperty(PSWING_PROPERTY, this);
+        init(component);
-        component.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() {
-            public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt ) {
+        component.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
+            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
-        } );
+        });
          component.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
              public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {
                  System.out.println("Hiding component");
@@ -258,110 +260,115 @@
-        listenForCanvas( this );
+        listenForCanvas(this);

-     * Deprecated constructor for application code still depending on this  
+     * Deprecated constructor for application code still depending on this
+     * signature.
+     *
       * @param pSwingCanvas
       * @param component
-     * @deprecated
+     * @deprecated
      public PSwing(PSwingCanvas pSwingCanvas, JComponent component) {

-     * Ensures the bounds of the underlying component are accurate, and  
sets the bounds of this PNode.
+     * Ensures the bounds of the underlying component are accurate, and  
sets the
+     * bounds of this PNode.
      void reshape() {
-        component.setBounds( 0, 0, component.getPreferredSize().width,  
component.getPreferredSize().height );
-        setBounds( 0, 0, component.getPreferredSize().width,  
component.getPreferredSize().height );
+        component.setBounds(0, 0, component.getPreferredSize().width,  
+        setBounds(0, 0, component.getPreferredSize().width,  

-     * Determines if the Swing component should be rendered normally or
-     * as a filled rectangle.
+     * Determines if the Swing component should be rendered normally or as  
+     * filled rectangle.
       * <p/>
-     * The transform, clip, and composite will be set appropriately when  
this object
-     * is rendered.  It is up to this object to restore the transform,  
clip, and composite of
-     * the Graphics2D if this node changes any of them. However, the  
color, font, and stroke are
-     * unspecified by Piccolo.  This object should set those things if  
they are used, but
-     * they do not need to be restored.
-     *
+     * The transform, clip, and composite will be set appropriately when  
+     * object is rendered. It is up to this object to restore the  
+     * clip, and composite of the Graphics2D if this node changes any of  
+     * However, the color, font, and stroke are unspecified by Piccolo.  
+     * object should set those things if they are used, but they do not  
need to
+     * be restored.
+     *
       * @param renderContext Contains information about current render.
-    public void paint( PPaintContext renderContext ) {
+    public void paint(PPaintContext renderContext) {
          Graphics2D g2 = renderContext.getGraphics();

-        if( defaultStroke == null ) {
+        if (defaultStroke == null) {
              defaultStroke = new BasicStroke();
-        g2.setStroke( defaultStroke );
+        g2.setStroke(defaultStroke);

-        if( defaultFont == null ) {
-            defaultFont = new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 );
+        if (defaultFont == null) {
+            defaultFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12);

-        g2.setFont( defaultFont );
+        g2.setFont(defaultFont);

-        if( component.getParent() == null ) {
-//            pSwingCanvas.getSwingWrapper().add( component );
+        if (component.getParent() == null) {
+            // pSwingCanvas.getSwingWrapper().add( component );

-        if( shouldRenderGreek( renderContext ) ) {
-            paintAsGreek( g2 );
+        if (shouldRenderGreek(renderContext)) {
+            paintAsGreek(g2);
          else {
-            paint( g2 );
+            paint(g2);


-    protected boolean shouldRenderGreek( PPaintContext renderContext ) {
-        return ( renderContext.getScale() < renderCutoff
-//                 && pSwingCanvas.getInteracting()
-        ) ||
-          minFontSize * renderContext.getScale() < 0.5;
+    protected boolean shouldRenderGreek(PPaintContext renderContext) {
+        return (renderContext.getScale() < renderCutoff
+        // && pSwingCanvas.getInteracting()
+                )
+                || minFontSize * renderContext.getScale() < 0.5;

       * Paints the Swing component as greek.
-     *
+     *
       * @param g2 The graphics used to render the filled rectangle
-    public void paintAsGreek( Graphics2D g2 ) {
+    public void paintAsGreek(Graphics2D g2) {
          Color background = component.getBackground();
          Color foreground = component.getForeground();
          Rectangle2D rect = getBounds();

-        if( background != null ) {
-            g2.setColor( background );
+        if (background != null) {
+            g2.setColor(background);
-        g2.fill( rect );
+        g2.fill(rect);

-        if( foreground != null ) {
-            g2.setColor( foreground );
+        if (foreground != null) {
+            g2.setColor(foreground);
-        g2.draw( rect );
+        g2.draw(rect);

-     * Remove from the SwingWrapper; throws an exception if no canvas is  
associated with this PSwing.
+     * Remove from the SwingWrapper; throws an exception if no canvas is
+     * associated with this PSwing.
      public void removeFromSwingWrapper() {
-        if( canvas != null && Arrays.asList(  
this.canvas.getSwingWrapper().getComponents() ).contains( component ) ) {
-            this.canvas.getSwingWrapper().remove( component );
+        if (canvas != null &&  
+            this.canvas.getSwingWrapper().remove(component);

-     * Renders to a buffered image, then draws that image to the
-     * drawing surface associated with g2 (usually the screen).
-     *
+     * Renders to a buffered image, then draws that image to the drawing  
+     * associated with g2 (usually the screen).
+     *
       * @param g2 graphics context for rendering the JComponent
      public void paint(Graphics2D g2) {
@@ -372,64 +379,53 @@

          PSwingRepaintManager manager = (PSwingRepaintManager)  
          RenderingHints oldHints = g2.getRenderingHints();
-        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS,
-                RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_OFF);
+        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS,  

      public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tells whether the buffer for the image of the Swing components
-     * is currently valid.
-     *
-     * @return true if the buffer is currently valid
-     */
-    private boolean isBufferValid() {
-        return !( buffer == null || buffer.getWidth() !=  
component.getWidth() || buffer.getHeight() != component.getHeight() );
-    }
+    }

-     * Repaints the specified portion of this visual component
-     * Note that the input parameter may be modified as a result of this  
-     *
+     * Repaints the specified portion of this visual component Note that  
+     * input parameter may be modified as a result of this call.
+     *
       * @param repaintBounds
-    public void repaint( PBounds repaintBounds ) {
-        Shape sh = getTransform().createTransformedShape( repaintBounds );
-        TEMP_REPAINT_BOUNDS2.setRect( sh.getBounds2D() );
-        repaintFrom( TEMP_REPAINT_BOUNDS2, this );
+    public void repaint(PBounds repaintBounds) {
+        Shape sh = getTransform().createTransformedShape(repaintBounds);
+        TEMP_REPAINT_BOUNDS2.setRect(sh.getBounds2D());
+        repaintFrom(TEMP_REPAINT_BOUNDS2, this);

-     * Sets the Swing component's bounds to its preferred bounds
-     * unless it already is set to its preferred size.  Also
-     * updates the visual components copy of these bounds
+     * Sets the Swing component's bounds to its preferred bounds unless it
+     * already is set to its preferred size. Also updates the visual  
+     * copy of these bounds
      public void computeBounds() {
-//        if( !component.getBounds().isEmpty() ) {
-//            Dimension d = component.getPreferredSize();
-//            getBoundsReference().setRect( 0, 0, d.getWidth(),  
d.getHeight() );
-//            if( !component.getSize().equals( d ) ) {
-//                component.setBounds( 0, 0, (int)d.getWidth(),  
(int)d.getHeight() );
-//            }
-//        }
+        // if( !component.getBounds().isEmpty() ) {
+        // Dimension d = component.getPreferredSize();
+        // getBoundsReference().setRect( 0, 0, d.getWidth(), d.getHeight()  
+        // if( !component.getSize().equals( d ) ) {
+        // component.setBounds( 0, 0, (int)d.getWidth(),  
(int)d.getHeight() );
+        // }
+        // }

       * Returns the Swing component that this visual component wraps
-     *
+     *
       * @return The Swing component that this visual component wraps
      public JComponent getComponent() {
@@ -437,26 +433,26 @@

-     * We need to turn off double buffering of Swing components within
-     * Piccolo since all components contained within a native container
-     * use the same buffer for double buffering.  With normal Swing
-     * widgets this is fine, but for Swing components within Piccolo this
-     * causes problems.  This function recurses the component tree
-     * rooted at c, and turns off any double buffering in use.  It also
-     * updates the minimum font size based on the font size of c and adds
-     * a property change listener to listen for changes to the font.
-     *
+     * We need to turn off double buffering of Swing components within  
+     * since all components contained within a native container use the  
+     * buffer for double buffering. With normal Swing widgets this is  
fine, but
+     * for Swing components within Piccolo this causes problems. This  
+     * recurses the component tree rooted at c, and turns off any double
+     * buffering in use. It also updates the minimum font size based on  
the font
+     * size of c and adds a property change listener to listen for changes  
+     * the font.
+     *
       * @param c The Component to be recursively unDoubleBuffered
-    void init( Component c ) {
-        if( c.getFont() != null ) {
-            minFontSize = Math.min( minFontSize, c.getFont().getSize() );
+    void init(Component c) {
+        if (c.getFont() != null) {
+            minFontSize = Math.min(minFontSize, c.getFont().getSize());

          if (c instanceof Container) {
              Component[] children = ((Container) c).getComponents();
-            if(children != null) {
-                for(int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
+            if (children != null) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
@@ -467,66 +463,69 @@
-        if( c instanceof JComponent ) {
-            ( (JComponent)c ).setDoubleBuffered( false );
-            c.addPropertyChangeListener( "font", this );
-            c.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() {
-                public void componentResized( ComponentEvent e ) {
+        if (c instanceof JComponent) {
+            ((JComponent) c).setDoubleBuffered(false);
+            c.addPropertyChangeListener("font", this);
+            c.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
+                public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {

-                public void componentShown( ComponentEvent e ) {
+                public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {
-            } );
+            });

       * Listens for changes in font on components rooted at this PSwing
-    public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt ) {
-        if( component.isAncestorOf( (Component)evt.getSource() ) &&
-            ( (Component)evt.getSource() ).getFont() != null ) {
-            minFontSize = Math.min( minFontSize, (  
(Component)evt.getSource() ).getFont().getSize() );
+    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
+        if (component.isAncestorOf((Component) evt.getSource()) &&  
((Component) evt.getSource()).getFont() != null) {
+            minFontSize = Math.min(minFontSize, ((Component)  

-    private void readObject( ObjectInputStream in ) throws IOException,  
ClassNotFoundException {
+    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,  
ClassNotFoundException {
-        init( component );
+        init(component);

-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    ///////Start methods for automatic canvas detection
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // /////Start methods for automatic canvas detection
+    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
       * Attaches a listener to the specified node and all its parents to  
-     * for a change in the PSwingCanvas.  Only PROPERTY_PARENT listeners  
are added
-     * so this code wouldn't handle if a PLayer were viewed by a different  
-     * since that constitutes a child change.
-     * @param node The child node at which to begin a parent-based  
traversal for adding listeners.
+     * for a change in the PSwingCanvas. Only PROPERTY_PARENT listeners are
+     * added so this code wouldn't handle if a PLayer were viewed by a  
+     * PCamera since that constitutes a child change.
+     *
+     * @param node The child node at which to begin a parent-based  
traversal for
+     *            adding listeners.
-    private void listenForCanvas( PNode node ) {
-        //need to get the full tree for this node
+    private void listenForCanvas(PNode node) {
+        // need to get the full tree for this node
          PNode p = node;
-        while( p != null ) {
-            listenToNode( p );
+        while (p != null) {
+            listenToNode(p);

              PNode parent = p;
-//            System.out.println( "parent = " + parent.getClass() );
-            if( parent instanceof PCamera) {
+            // System.out.println( "parent = " + parent.getClass() );
+            if (parent instanceof PCamera) {
                  PCamera cam = (PCamera) parent;
-                if( cam.getComponent() instanceof PSwingCanvas ) {
-                    updateCanvas( (PSwingCanvas)cam.getComponent() );
+                if (cam.getComponent() instanceof PSwingCanvas) {
+                    updateCanvas((PSwingCanvas) cam.getComponent());
-            } else if( parent instanceof PLayer ) {
-                PLayer player = (PLayer)parent;
-//                System.out.println( "Found player: with " +  
player.getCameraCount() + " cameras" );
-                for( int i = 0; i < player.getCameraCount(); i++ ) {
-                    PCamera cam = player.getCamera( i );
-                    if( cam.getComponent() instanceof PSwingCanvas ) {
-                        updateCanvas( (PSwingCanvas)cam.getComponent() );
+            }
+            else if (parent instanceof PLayer) {
+                PLayer player = (PLayer) parent;
+                // System.out.println( "Found player: with " +
+                // player.getCameraCount() + " cameras" );
+                for (int i = 0; i < player.getCameraCount(); i++) {
+                    PCamera cam = player.getCamera(i);
+                    if (cam.getComponent() instanceof PSwingCanvas) {
+                        updateCanvas((PSwingCanvas) cam.getComponent());
@@ -536,26 +535,31 @@

-     * Attach a listener to the specified node, if one has not already  
been attached.
+     * Attach a listener to the specified node, if one has not already been
+     * attached.
+     *
       * @param node the node to listen to for parent/pcamera/pcanvas changes
-    private void listenToNode( PNode node ) {
-//        System.out.println( "listeningTo.size() = " + listeningTo.size()  
-        if( !listeningTo( node ) ) {
-            listeningTo.add( node );
-            node.addPropertyChangeListener( PNode.PROPERTY_PARENT,  
parentListener );
+    private void listenToNode(PNode node) {
+        // System.out.println( "listeningTo.size() = " +  
listeningTo.size() );
+        if (!listeningTo(node)) {
+            listeningTo.add(node);
+            node.addPropertyChangeListener(PNode.PROPERTY_PARENT,  

-     * Determine whether this PSwing is already listening to the specified  
node for camera/canvas changes.
+     * Determine whether this PSwing is already listening to the specified  
+     * for camera/canvas changes.
+     *
       * @param node the node to check
-     * @return true if this PSwing is already listening to the specified  
node for camera/canvas changes
+     * @return true if this PSwing is already listening to the specified  
+     *         for camera/canvas changes
-    private boolean listeningTo( PNode node ) {
-        for( int i = 0; i < listeningTo.size(); i++ ) {
-            PNode pNode = (PNode)listeningTo.get( i );
-            if( pNode == node ) {
+    private boolean listeningTo(PNode node) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < listeningTo.size(); i++) {
+            PNode pNode = (PNode) listeningTo.get(i);
+            if (pNode == node) {
                  return true;
@@ -563,8 +567,9 @@

-     * Clear out all the listeners registered to make sure there are no  
stray references
-     *
+     * Clear out all the listeners registered to make sure there are no  
+     * references
+     *
       * @param fromParent Parent to start with for clearing listeners
      private void clearListeners(PNode fromParent) {
@@ -572,32 +577,32 @@
          if (listeningTo(fromParent)) {
-            fromParent.removePropertyChangeListener(  
PNode.PROPERTY_PARENT, parentListener );
+            fromParent.removePropertyChangeListener(PNode.PROPERTY_PARENT,  

-     * Removes this PSwing from previous PSwingCanvas (if any), and ensure  
that this
-     * PSwing is attached to the new PSwingCanvas.
+     * Removes this PSwing from previous PSwingCanvas (if any), and ensure  
+     * this PSwing is attached to the new PSwingCanvas.
       * @param newCanvas the new PSwingCanvas (may be null)
-    private void updateCanvas( PSwingCanvas newCanvas ) {
-        if( newCanvas != canvas ) {
-            if( canvas != null ) {
-                canvas.removePSwing( this );
+    private void updateCanvas(PSwingCanvas newCanvas) {
+        if (newCanvas != canvas) {
+            if (canvas != null) {
+                canvas.removePSwing(this);
              canvas = newCanvas;
-            if( newCanvas != null ) {
-                canvas.addPSwing( this );
+            if (newCanvas != null) {
+                canvas.addPSwing(this);
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    ///////End methods for automatic canvas detection
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // /////End methods for automatic canvas detection
+    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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