Hi Alex,

> A typical example would be sorting a list of customers by city, name and
> customer number, in that order. A binary comparison for 'sort2' would
> look like
>    (sort2
>       (collect ... '+CuSu ...)
>       '((CuSu1 CuSu2)
>          (cond
>             ((<> (; CuSu1 ort) (; CuSu2 ort))
>                (> (; CuSu2 ort) (; CuSu1 ort)) )
>             ((<> (; CuSu1 nm) (; CuSu2 nm))
>                (> (; CuSu2 nm) (; CuSu1 nm)) )
>             (T
>                (> (; CuSu2 nr) (; CuSu1 nr)) ) ) ) )
> This binary function is rather complicated (and thus slow), and it might
> be called nearly O(N^2) times.

it will be called as many times as the C function 'compare' is called.
Not sure about the picolisp 'sort' function, but usual sorting
algorithms are O(N*log(N)) so it will be called O(N^2) times only if
the built-in 'sort' is O(N^2).  I guess the built-in 'sort' function
is O(N*log(N)) so the code above will be O(N*log(N)) too.


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