Hi Tomas,

> it looks like it should not be getting 1 T 0 from the server but only
> T.  Not sure why is that...  Could you please describe the form.js
> protocol briefly?

To be precise, that message is "1^M^JT^M^J0^M^J^M" (see line 154 of
"lib/form.l"). It is just an explicit formulation of the token "T" in
chunked encoding. It could as well be (ht:Out T (prin T)).

This is actually a very special case. The function 'jsForm' is invoked
on the server to handle an Ajax request. When the server detects that
the current page changes more than just the contents of some fields
(typically because an error message has to be embedded, or the hierarchy
of dialogs was changed), it has to abort the Ajax request and initiate a
full, fresh submit of the whole page.

It then sends the special token "T", which can never be a normal reply
to an Ajax request. This token is detected in "lib/form.js", line 88,
and initiates 'form.submit()' on the JavaScript side.

So this is strange that you observe this "T" response. It should not
appear when you just press the +BubbleButton. I can produce it when I
enter something illegal into a field, e.g. an alphanumeric character
into a numeric field, and then press the +BubbleButton. The page will be
reloaded with the error message embedded before that field. Or if I open
a dialog from some '+JS' button.

- Alex
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