Hi Alex,

   (chain 'lst ..) -> lst

is there a reason 'chain' does not work with atoms?

: (make (link 1))
-> (1)
: (make (link 1) (chain 2))
-> (1)
: (make (link 1) (chain (cons 2 3)))
-> (1 2 . 3)
: (make (link 1) (chain 2) (chain (cons 3 4)))
-> (1 3 . 4)
: (make (link 1) (chain 2) (chain (cons 3 4)) (chain (cons 5 6)))
-> (1 3 5 . 6)

I would expect:

: (make (link 1) (chain 2))
-> (1 . 2)

I guess this is not currently achievable using 'make'?

Thank you,

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