Sorry doug, I read you wrong, thought you meant PicoLisp in general, not

I don't have much experience with Pilog (especially big/complicated

As far as Pilog goes you might then want to try tracing Pilog relevant
functions that have data as their arguments that you are interested in.

Ex: (trace '->)

In general I build out when I do Pilog, beginning with the simplest
generator clause and filter clauses and then adding to them, making sure in
each step that I get the returned data I'm supposed to get.

On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Doug Snead <>wrote:

> Thanks for the tips! The trace seemed like it was more for lisp vs pilog
> but`I can see how that might help point you in the right direction (as much
> of the pilog is interpreted).  Ok, so I could maybe put in a
>   (@ prinl " @X is " (-> @X))
> as a rule clause as a debugging print.
> (And that would always succeed - because @ always unifies with the return
> value of prinl ... I think :-)
> --- On Sat, 6/25/11, Henrik Sarvell <> wrote:
> From: Henrik Sarvell <>
> Subject: Re: tracing pilog
> To:
> Date: Saturday, June 25, 2011, 8:39 PM
> See trace, traceAll, lint, debug, $ and !.
> To be honest though, normally I just put a print statement.
> For me trace/traceAll have been useful on rare occasions where a variable
> should contain an object but it doesn't and I don't really know where in the
> code the problem is.
> A (trace ';) or (trace 'get) or if nothing else works a traceAll can give
> you good hints in those situations.
> On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 6:27 AM, Doug Snead <>
> wrote:
> What's the best way to trace pilog?    I'd be interested in hearing how
> people go about debugging pilog programs.
> Doug
> --
> --

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