I have a question about how or/2 works in pilog.  Here's my test of or/2:

$ ./pil 
: (be a (3))
-> a
: (be b (3))
-> b
: (? (a 3))
-> T
: (be foo (@N) (or (a @N) (b @N)))
-> foo
: (? foo a b or (foo 3))
1 (foo 3)
1 (or (a 3) (b 3))
-> NIL

Shouldn't that be T ?   

It seems to not to try to prove either (a 3) or (b 3).  Am I using or/2 
incorrectly in pilog? 

Here's that in swi-prolog for comparison:

# cat t.pl



foo(N) :- a(N) ; b(N).

# swipl -f t.pl 
% /root/prolog/t.pl compiled 0.00 sec, 2,804 bytes
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?- a(3).

?- foo(3).
true .


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