Alexander Burger <> writes:

Hi List,

> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 01:40:16PM +0100, Thorsten wrote:
>> We prepared a GSoC 2012 page in the PicoLisp wiki
>> (!wiki?gsoc), where you can find more
>> information. 
>> ...
>> For now (till 2012-03-09) the most important task is to collect ideas
>> and find out who would like to be a mentor for his (or other peoples)
>> project ideas. Then, if PicoLisp is accepted by Google, we need to
>> spread the word and make students apply for a project.
>> Any thoughts or ideas how to make the PicoLisp application for the GSoC
>> 2012 a success are welcome.

I would suggest to add at least 2 or 3 more project ideas to the ideas
page (!wiki?ideasPage) to raise the odds of
PicoLisp being accepted as mentoring organisation. 

The best case would be if anybody is interested to participate as a
student and has a project idea (and a possible mentor in mind). However,
if you would like to see some new feature in PicoLisp and to mentor the
related project, it would be very helpfull too. 

A third (viable) option is to think about a project idea that is
beneficial for the PicoLisp community and doesn't require special
background (domain) knowledge from a (potential) mentor, but might be
interesting for students in general. That way, you can propose an idea
without being the student or mentor for that proposal. 

As an example, I would propose the project "Build a web-shop for
PicoLisp". Would that make sense? Any other ideas?

If somebody has an idea but doesn't want to get involved with the wiki,
he can just post it here on the list, I put it on the wiki then. 



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