Hi Jon,

> Things are looking much better now:
> ...
> MacBook-Air:picoLispEmu jkleiser$ ./pil +
> : (load "misc/fibo.l")
> -> NIL
> : (fibo 9)
> -> 34

Yes, indeed.

> MacBook-Air:picoLispEmu jkleiser$ ./pil + misc/fibo.l

Oops. Please note that this is probably not what is intended, and should
actually give an error.

The '+' must be at the very end of the line:

   $ ./pil misc/fibo.l +

In pil32:

   $ ./pil + misc/fibo.l
   + open: No such file or directory

Strangely, pil64 (and also the emulator) doesn't signal an error here.
Instead, it creates an empty file with the name "+".

I never noticed that, as I never tried to call it this way ;-)

Let me investigate ...
- Alex
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