On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 17:29:13 +0100
Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi List, 
> when writing the picolisp-wiki-mode for Emacs, I began to understand
> why mark-up syntax is usually symmetric, i.e. the end-tag looks like a
> 180° mapping of the start-tag (e.g. the JSP Scriplet <% ... %>). 
> This makes parsing the file and constructing regexp much easier,
> because its always clear which end-tag belongs to which start-tag. 
> The PicoLisp Wiki Syntax does not follow this convention:
>    ,-------------------------------------------------------------------
>    | 3{Heading}                 Heading (level 3)
>    |                            Levels 1 .. 6 are allowed
>    | 
>    | &{3}                       Insert 3 line breaks
>    | &{-3}                      Insert 3 line breaks, clear float
> style | 
>    | /{italic}                  Italic font
>    | !{bold}                    Bold font
>    | _{underline}               Underlined font  [...]
>    `-------------------------------------------------------------------
> Considering the possible nesting of elements (e.g. a bold word inside
> a link inside a list item), it becomes very difficult to construct
> regexp that reliably identify elements (necesary for fontification)
> because there are so many closing braces '}' around (and there might
> even be closing braces in the text itself).
> What about changing the syntax to this:
>    ,-------------------------------------------------------------------
>    | 3{Heading}3                 Heading (level 3)
>    |                            Levels 1 .. 6 are allowed
>    | 
>    | &{3}&                       Insert 3 line breaks
>    | &{-3}&                      Insert 3 line breaks, clear float
> style | 
>    | /{italic}/                  Italic font
>    | !{bold}!                    Bold font
>    | _{underline}_               Underlined font  [...]
>    `-------------------------------------------------------------------
> I know, its one more char to type (not when you use the
> picolisp-wiki-mode for Emacs) and looks ugly, but would make things a
> bit more 'standard' and easier to deal with. Its not really a big
> issue, since the picolisp-wiki-mode works fine even if fontification
> is a bit random. Don't know if it would be an improvement and worth
> the pain. 

It's not an improvement, and not worth it, imo. The current wiki syntax
is pretty much a lightweight variant of TeX, Emacs can fontify TeX just
fine, so the issue is in the emacs mode, not the syntax.

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