Hi List, 

I have a few questions with regards to representing PicoLisp relations
in UML notation:

1. Syntactic outlier?

Is this:

| (rel ord (+Dep +Joint)                 # Order
|    (itm)
|    pos (+Ord) )

a syntactic outlier in PicoLisp code, or do I have to expect this to
happen? Its _much_ more difficult to deal with this via regexp than with

| (rel ord (+Dep +Joint) (itm) pos (+Ord))  # Order

[Probably not, see +Bag example below (*sigh**) ...]

2. Link, Joint and Bag

How to represent in UML notation, and how to determine the
'quantification' (one-to-many etc.)?

- Link


| (rel exp (+List +Link) NIL (+Abc))    # why the NIL?

=> 1 --- * ?

| (rel exp (+Link) (+Abc))

=> 1 --- 1 ?

- Joint

Simple bidirectional Association? 

| (rel ord (+Dep +Joint) (itm) pos (+Ord))   #  why the (itm) ?

=> 1 --- 1 ?

| (rel ord (+Dep +List +Joint) pos (+Ord)) 

=> 1 --- * ?

| (rel ord (+Dep +List +Joint) pos (+List +Ord)) # possible?

=> * --- * ?

- Bag

Aggregation? Composition?

| (rel pos (+List +Bag) # Positions
|  ((+Ref +Link) NIL (+Item)) # Item
|  ((+Number) 2) # Price
|  ((+Number)) # Quantity
|  ((+String)) # Memo text
|  ((+Number) 2) ) # Total amount

How to present this in UML?
Its like 1 Link and 4 unnamed attributes, I'm not sure how to translate
to a UML class diagram?


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