Hi all,

since nearly three years PicoLisp supports coroutines (64-bit version).
Now suddenly it occurred to me that the way I implemented them might be

The problem is how individual stacks for the coroutines are allocated. I
do this by reserving space on the stack (by decrementing the stack
pointer) upon starting a new coroutine. Execution of that coroutine may
be suspended (with 'yield', so that execution continues in the main
program or some other coroutine), to be resumed later.

Switching between individual (co)routines is done by moving the stack
pointer up and down between the corresponding stack frames. Everything
seems to work fine - though I haven't used coroutines in serious
projects yet.

Now I remember to have read that (in POSIX?) no valid data should be
stored *below* the current position of the stack pointer. Is that really
the case? I can't find any conclusive information about that.

This switching between stack frames, as described above, of course
leaves temporarily suspended stack frames *below* the stack pointer,
while it points into a higher frame. Does this mean that the operating
system might dispose or overwrite them? For example, when paging is

Interrupts are probably not a problem, as they push their contexts on
the system stack.

Some sources say that even GCC stores (small amounts of) data below the
stack pointer, while others (possibly some ABIs from Intel) say this is
an absolute no-no.

Can anybody point to a definite answer?

♪♫ Alex
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