Hi Thorsten,

> with my global PicoLisp installation ($ pil +) function
> ,---------------
> | (path "@lib/")
> `---------------
> does work as expected:
> ....
> ,--------------------------------
> | [tj@hostname picoLisp]$ ./pil +
> | : (path "@lib/")
> | -> "lib/"
> | : (pwd)
> | -> "/home/tj/git/iorg/picoLisp"
> `--------------------------------
> changing the PWD does not help either:
> ,-----------------
> | : (pwd)
> | -> "/home/tj"
> | : (path "@lib/")
> | -> "lib/"
> `-----------------
> Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

No, in fact this is the intended behavior of how the PicoLisp I/O
functions expand the "@".

The value is determined from how it was invoked. If you call it with

   $ ../../foo/bar/pil +

then "@" expands to "../../foo/bar/", and if you call it as

   $ /home/tj/git/iorg/picoLisp/pil +

then "@" will be "/home/tj/git/iorg/picoLisp/".

As a special convenicence, "./" is "optimized" to nothing ;-)

All this behavior does not in any way depend what your PWD is at that
moment. Only how PicoLisp was invoked.

♪♫ Alex
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