Hi Thorsten,

thank you to point the rosettacode examples out to me!

I always knew about rosettacode but didn't check, that there are more helpful computing tasks in general than programming puzzles, as I thought.


Am 25.09.2013 14:45, schrieb Thorsten Jolitz:
"O.Hamann"<o.ham...@gmx.net>  writes:


There is not much help found by searching google (stackoverflow and similar)
for best practices or 'oneliner'

But there is

| http://de.scribd.com/doc/103733857/PicoLisp-by-Example

easily searchable online with 'C-f', i.e. in total some 700 or so
PicoLisp solutions for a wide range of Computer Science problems, all
written by the master (Alex ;) himself.
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