Hi Keith,

I've done some more testing of your 64-bit PicoLisp on my old MacBook Air,
with OSX 10.8.5. When I run the "fibo" test, however, I get results that
are somewhat "alarming":

: (== 64 64)
-> T
: (de fibo (N) (if (>= 2 N) 1 (+ (fibo (dec N)) (fibo (- N 2)))))
-> fibo
: (bench (fibo 33))
20.361 sec
-> 3524578

The same test using standard 32-bit PicoLisp runs a lot faster:

: (bench (fibo 33))
2.136 sec
-> 3524578

What can be the reason for this huge difference?


> Hello,
> I've uploaded pre-compiled picolisp for CentOS6 (32 and 64bit), OSX and
> Cygwin:
> http://blog.keithkim.com/2013/11/pre-compiled-picolisp-for-centos-and.html
> Well, it's very easy and no trouble compiling them for anyone, but just
> for
> convenience.
> BR,
> Keith Kim

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