> And this is an excellent example of PicoLisp going the extra mile. Instead
> of handling C as the lowest abstraction, going to the actual machine. I
> imagine other interpreted languages could be faster if designed with this
> attention to detail.


Thank you Alex, for the insightful explanation.

> On 12 maj 2014 08:24:13 CEST, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>
> wrote:
>>On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 08:06:57AM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
>>> The problem with this is that is horribly inefficient. The dynamic
>>>    myStruct bnd[length(x)];
>>> simply decrements the stack pointer by "length(x) * sizeof(myStruct)"
>>> (which is a single machine instruction!), while the malloc() call
>>> involves the whole memory management machinery.
>>BTW, this inability of C to properly support stack manipulations was
>>main reason to write the 64-bit version of PicoLisp in assembly.
>>As I wrote this in http://software-lab.de/doc64/README
>>The reasons to choose assembly language (instead of C) were, in
>>decreasing order
>>   of importance:
>>      1. Stack manipulations
>>Alignment to cell boundaries: To be able to directly express the
>>  stack data structures (see "doc64/structures", e.g. "Apply frame"), a
>>         better control over the stack (as compared to C) was required.
>>Indefinite pushs and pops: A Lisp interpreter operates on list
>>of unknown length all the time. The C version always required two
>>the first to determine the length of the list to allocate the necessary
>>stack structures, and then the second to do the actual work. An
>>version can simply push as many items as are encountered, and clean up
>>         stack with pop's and stack pointer arithmetics.
>>      ...
>>Pushing and popping data of unknown length is at the heart of the
>>interpreter. It is done all the time.
>>Note that even with arrays of variable length, as in the discussed
>>   myStruct bnd[length(x)];
>>it is still not optimal, because the interpreter has to call length()
>>the list first, before actually processing it. The list needs to be
>>traversed twice.
>>In a language with proper stack control, you can simply call 'push' in
>>the loop doing the processing.
>>♪♫ Alex
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