Hi Christophe,

> > Hmm, so is this the same as the localization does in PicoLisp?
> Quite the same, except that we don't have a list of all messages to
> translate. Any transient, even an unexpected one, should
> «spontaneously» have its value transformed by a function
> when retrieved.

I see. This is not possible, because the fetching of a symbol's value
happens at the very lowest level of the interpreter (in fact it is only
a single machine instruction), and can't be changed from the outside.
And if you'd change this, it would slow down everything quite a lot, as
each value fetch would need to do some runtime check.

There must be a better way. Can't you write an access function, which
inspects the symbol and takes appropriate action?

> > Transient symbols are just normal symbols, except that they have a
> > file-local scope, and happen to look lexically like strings in other
> > languages. That's all.
> My question was about «look lexically like strings in other languages».
> Do some other Lisp have this king of mechanism?

I have never seen something like that in other languages. There a string
is always a primitive type, distinct from a (Lisp) symbol.

♪♫ Alex
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