On Fri 19 Sep 2014 15:47, Jakob Eriksson wrote:
> On September 19, 2014 at 3:18 PM Joe Bogner <joebog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This might be off base, but is it within the realm of possibility to
> > run PilMCU on a raspberry pi now or in the future? That's an accessible
> > piece of hardware that many people already have (myself included). These
> > people may also be willing to fund the work
> Raspi runs linux, so you can run PicoLisp on it right now. PilMCU is about
> new hardware chips.
> You could of course go the middle way, that could attract some attention:
> port PicoLisp to bare Raspberry Pi hardware. Also an interesting prospect.
> But the ARM cpu in the pi is not a natural fit, it is not 64 bit, only 32.
> So it would be more of a promo thing. But very cool in its own right.

Strange this came up just now - I am a long-time stalker on the mailing list,
and had been brewing the idea for a long time to get the ball rolling for a
Picolisp equivalent of this:


and ultimately perhaps one day a picolisp-based kernel, and maybe even a
predominantly picolisp-OS (...I like to dream big).

I am for sure much more excited about this latest picolisp-machine announcement
though (LISP machines are back! Their time has come! Mwahahahaha!), but there
is probably still a good reason to also go the "middle way" too, for the
reasons already mentioned - to gain attention and to do meaningful performance
comparisons to existing software.

FWIW: I am totally up for contributing to PilMCU, RasPicolisp or Picolix86_64p
      in any way that I can. Count me in.

Rowan Thorpe
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 BB0A 0787 C0EE BDD8 7F97  3D30 49F2 13A5 265D CCBD
"There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees
a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem."
 - Harold Stephens
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