Hi Alexis, if I google "picolisp emacs" I see the following URL as the #1
result: https://github.com/tj64/picolisp-mode

That is what I use when I code PL in Emacs, works great! I've added a few
keywords to the mode and the doc jumping in my init.el, could post both
changes here if anyone is interested.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:05 AM, Alexis <flexibe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> andr...@itship.ch writes:
>  @Alexis: Just have a look into lib/el/ in your picolisp installation.
> i'm on Debian Wheezy(+updates), and having installed the available
> PicoLisp package (, couldn't see any .el files within the
> PicoLisp directory (/usr/share/picolisp/), which doesn't have a /lib or
> /lib/el directory either. However, having downloaded the 3.1.9 tarball and
> unpacked it, i can now see the files you're talking about.
> Have i missed in the documentation where support for editing in Emacs is
> mentioned? From:
> http://picolisp.com/wiki/?Documentation
> i can't see any mention of it in any of:
> * Manual Page
> * Reference Manual
> * Common Index
> or
> * FAQ
> ...
>  Maybe your efforts aren't really necessary (but surely a good exercise
>> anyway).
>> ...
>> Maybe you should rename your emacs extensions, so it doesn't get mixed up
>> with the one coming with the picolisp standard distribution.
> Well, if i'd known that Emacs support was already available, i wouldn't
> have written my package in the first place! i already maintain a couple of
> other Emacs packages, and have lots of other coding i'd like to be doing,
> so i only worked on my PicoLisp package to help myself and other Emacs
> users, rather than to learn about writing and/or packaging Emacs Lisp - the
> package as it currently stands didn't require extensive knowledge of
> PicoLisp.
> Now that i know comprehensive Emacs support for PicoLisp is available,
> i'll probably just remove my own PicoLisp package from MELPA. The only
> thing that my package provides that the distribution package doesn't - as
> far as i can tell! - is support for showing documentation for the symbol at
> point, either in a browser or in Emacs itself. i'd be happy for my code for
> that to be added to the distribution package, assuming i don't have to sign
> any paperwork to do so ....
> Alexis.
> --
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