Yes, ssh, non-root.

So what  would a minimum deployment install, i.e., I just want to have a
running repl with code loaded and able to receive commands/data/code  on,
say, a remote machine? I'm interested in picolisp partly because I would
find it fascinating to deploy picolisp on very tiny devices.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Alexander Burger <>

> Hi Lawrence,
> > I've got a shell account with an ISP and I'd like to run picolisp locally
> > in home.
> I assume that you can 'ssh' to that machine, and then have a normal,
> non-root access, right?
> > Is that just a regular local install . . . or can I just move a
> > minimal set of picolisp file structure over? I'd like to develop on this
> If you don't have root access and cannot install a global PicoLisp from
> a distribution, I would say that you simply install locally. Fetch and
> unpack the latest version:
>    $ wget
>    $ tar xfz picoLisp.tgz
>    $ cd picoLisp
> Now it depends whether this is a 32-bit or a 64-bit machine. Please
> check the INSTALL file for details.
> > shell account. BTW, what's the difference between a "deployment" of
> > picolisp (i.e. simply run a picolisp repl) and a normal development
> > environment? I'm guessing not much?
> Right. I would say it is the same. You just need to add your
> application's sources.
> ♪♫ Alex
> --

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