
I forgot to tell you that I tried this a while back.  It's very
impressive!  I'm very sorry that I cannot give you any constructive
feedback, as I need to actually learn the basic rudiments of App Dev in pil
myself first, like literally step through doc/app.html, like a baby (n00b
that I am).

But back to the subject, the fact that you can have the design elements of
the sheet (menu) in the interface like that (for the user to control) is
tres cool.  I can see how this is very useful for your customer!  Thanks
for sharing this with us.  I will use this, as I mature in pil app dev, to
highlight, and as a model for, what can be achievable with pil as a web dev
base.  Very inspirational!

Good luck with your prospects.

All the best, --Rick

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Alexander Burger <>

> Hello list,
> let me announce 7fach BlitzMenu, our first attempt for a public
> application since 9 years :)
> It is for gastronomers, restaurants or canteens, to maintain their
> dishes and beverages in a database, and allow them to generate their
> daily or weekly menus with just a few mouse clicks.
> Independent from the question whether it will be a commercial success (I
> hope it does), it has some interesting aspects from a technical
> (PicoLisp) point of view:
> 1. It allows the user to directly edit PostScript layout templates in a
>    Canvas. Then these layouts can be combined with groups of articles
>    from the database to generate PDF and HTML files.
> 2. I found out that the '+Bag' relations can be nested. This allows the
>    creation of multi-dimensional data structures, directly in the DB
>    model.
>    Normally, a (+List +Bag) represents a two-dimensional table, which
>    maps to a '+Chart' in the GUI. To my own surprise, it works also if
>    an element in a bag is a (+List +Bag) again (i.e. nested Bags),
>    resulting in a three-dimensional structure:
>    (rel grp (+List +Bag)               # Groups/Articles
>       ((+Bool))                           # Aktive
>       ((+String))                         # Description
>       ((+List +Bag)                       # Articles
>          ((+Bool))                           # Aktive
>          ((+Link) (+Art)) ) )                # Article
>    And: I found a way to allow direct editing of these structures in the
>    GUI, by connecting charts on the different levels with radio buttons.
>    In principle, this can be extended to as many dimensions as desired.
> The system is ready for production use now, and can be found at
> Initial language is German, but you can switch to English if you like.
> Other languages are planned but not yet supported.
> The second entry in the navigation on the left is "Introduction". Here
> you may view a short video (without sound) showing the basic usage.
> And the third entry is "Try yourself". If you click on "Start demo
> application" you get a private demo database in a sandbox, where you can
> play around yourself. Note that your data are lost when you close the
> browser session.
> Please don't submit the form on "New registration" (unless, of course,
> you want to become a customer ;)
> ♪♫ Alex
> --

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