Hi Luis,

> It executes.  Then I want to access the second command to edit it, for
> example to change the second line:
> : (while (gt0 n)
>    (dec 'n 2)
>    (prinl n))
> I press the up arrow key, but the only line that is editable is the
> first one (while (gt0 n)

Oh, yeah, I see!

This is not possible, because the REPL editor is strictly line-oriented,
and stores the input as three separate lines.

> Is there a way to edit the second line, even though all the three
> lines could be accessed as one big line, such as:
> : (while (gt0 n)    (dec 'n)     (prinl n))

What I do in such a case is to press Ctrl-E to go directly on the
history (with 'vim' by default), and change it there.

As it is only three lines here, you can also to it in three steps: First
go up three lines and hit Enter (re-execute the first line). Then go up
three lines again, modify the line, and execute it. Finally, again go up
three lines, and re-execute that last line.

Or - and this is what I usually do - avoid spreading a command over
multiple lines, and go with a long command line. This is the fastest,
though certainly not the most readable ;)

♪♫ Alex
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