On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 07:04:20PM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
> Hi Tomas,
> > tomas@x ~ % pstree | grep pi
> >      |      |-zsh---pil---picolisp
> > 
> > I can see pil in the process list but I would prefer if it was replaced
> > by the picolisp process (aka shell exec).
> This can be done with the (surprise!) 'exec' function
>    http://software-lab.de/doc/refE.html#exec

On the other hand, if you need to use (fork) 0 for example because you
want to inherit something from the parent pil process to the child - you
can simply (bye) in the parent after forking the child.

♪♫ Alex
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