
Great. I need to learn a lot.
Thank you.


2015-08-03 20:57 GMT+02:00 Rick Hanson <cryptor...@gmail.com>:

> > > Why not just this?
> > >
> > >   (de thefunc (A B C)
> > >     "This is the help text"
> > >     (* A B C))
> >
> > Unfortunately Rick's solution form doesn't work.
> It works for me just fine actually.
>   $ ./pil
>   : (de hola (Str)
>       "This is just a test."
>       (prinl "Hola " Str))
>   -> hola
>   : (hola "Manuel")
>   Hola Manuel
>   -> "Manuel"
>   : (hola "Ricardo")
>   Hola Ricardo
>   -> "Ricardo"
> And `hola`, like any other picolisp function, is just a list.
>   : hola
>   -> ((Str) "This is just a test." (prinl "Hola " Str))
> So, it's easy to get the doc string out.
>   : (cadr hola)
>   -> "This is just a test."
> --
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