A shotgun approach would be to create a screen editor of sorts,
with a repl in it. That is probably overkill.

On 05/03/16 16:18, Alexander Burger wrote:
> Hi all,
> since early versions of PicoLisp I have a problem with the behavior of
> terminals.
> It concerns the REPL line editor in debug mode, the way how a backspace
> behaves across a wrapped line.
> To move backwards in the line, the line editor sends a Ctrl-H to the
> terminal. This happens not only explicitly (e.g. when the user types 'h'
> in vi-mode), but also implicitly when the line is refreshed.
> The problem arises when the line gets longer than the number of columns.
> Terminals show different behavior here: Some move back to the last
> column of the previous line (this is OK), and some stay in the first
> column of the next line (this results in a mess).
> XTerm is OK, but the linux consoles (tty1 ... tty7) are not. Gnome seems
> to have a config option for that.
> It would be nice if we could control it directly frow within the line
> editor. I tried various 'stty' and tcsetattr(termios) parameters, but
> without avail.
> Does anybody have an idea?
> ♪♫ Alex
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