Hi David, Rick,

On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 03:08:06PM -0400, Rick Hanson wrote:
> On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 1:52 PM, David Bloom <ipro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ~/picoLisp/src $ make --version
> > GNU Make 4.1
> > ...
> > -------------------------------------------
> > ~ $ cd picoLisp/src64/
> > ~/picoLisp/src64 $ make

OK, building pil64 is the way to go.

> > ./mkAsm x86-64 ".linux" .s Linux base "" ../lib/map  version.l glob.l main.l
> > gc.l apply.l flow.l sym.l subr.l big.l io.l db.l net.l err.l
> > sys/x86-64.linux.code.l
> > ../ersatz/pil: exec: line 5: java: not found
> > Makefile:142: recipe for target 'x86-64.linux.base.s' failed
> > make: *** [x86-64.linux.base.s] Error 2
> This just means that the build process can't find java.  The `java`
> executable has to be installed and on your PATH.

Correct. When the pil64 make process wants to build the *.s files, it
needs a running PicoLisp to bootstrap. If it can't find any, it falls
back to ErsatzLisp which runs on the JVM.

You could easily avoid all this hassle if you download the pre-generated
*.s files e.g. from


♪♫ Alex
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