On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 11:50:07AM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
>    (push Obj (cons 'msg> '((X) (bar))))
> or
>    (push Obj '(msg> (X) (bar)))

Two notes:

1. If the symbol 'msg>' is not yet defined as a message in another
   context (e.g. with (dm msg> ...)), then you can do that on the fly

      (setq msg> meth)

2. Instead of 'push'ing the method into the value as above, you may
   sometimes pass it already when creating the object:

      (setq Obj
         (new '((msg> (N) (+ (: a) N)) +Cls)
            'a 7
            's "abc" ) )

      (msg> Obj 1)
      -> 8

♪♫ Alex
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