Hi all,

I've cloned tankfeeder's repository at Bitbucket and installed small pil-application that checks http://software-lab.de/picoLisp.tgz for changes and commits to the repo.
Repository address is https://bitbucket.org/mmamkin/picolisp
I plan to maintain it while I have VPS :).
Also we could install there some auto building scripts to provide fresh deb-package,
I would appreciate any ideas and help

Source code is listed below. Comments are welcome

Best regards,
Mansur Mamkin

# Example of 'app' user crontab entry:
# 10 0,6,12,18 * * * ./pil pilrepo/main.l -updaterepo -bye 2>&1 >> log/pilrepo
# setup:
# 1) clone your remote hg repository into ~/pilrepo/picoLisp/
# 2) provide SSH key to remote repository

   *Root "pilrepo/"
   *Repo (pack *Root "picoLisp/")
   *TgzUrl "http://software-lab.de/picoLisp.tgz";
   *Tgz (pack *Root "picoLisp.tgz")
*Curl (list 'curl '-z *Tgz '-o *Tgz '-w "%{http_code}" '--silent *TgzUrl) )

(de updaterepo ()
      (_push) ) )

# TODO: email me
(de _alert ()
   NIL )

(de log @
   (out NIL
      (prinl (stamp) " PID: " *Pid " [INFO] " (pass text)) ) )

(de logerr @
   (out NIL
      (prinl (stamp) " PID: " *Pid  " [ERROR] " (pass text)) ) )

(de _download ()
   (log "Downloading @1..." *TgzUrl)
   (case (in *Curl (read))
      (200 (log "200 OK [@2 bytes]" (car (info Tgz))) T)
      (304 (log "304 Not modified") NIL)
      (T (logerr "@1 download failed" @) (_alert) NIL) ) )

(de _extract ()
   (ifn (call 'tar '-x '-z '-C *Root '-f *Tgz)
      (nil (logerr "'@1' extraction failed" *Tgz))
      T ) )

(de _commit ()
   (load (pack *Repo "src64/version.l"))
   (let Msg (glue "." *Version)
      (if (call 'hg 'commit '--cwd *Repo '-A '-m Msg)
         (t (log "hg commit -m '@1'" Msg))
         (nil (logerr "hg commit -m '@1' failed" Msg)) ) ) )

(de _push ()
   (if (call 'hg '--cwd *Repo 'push)
      (t (log "hg push succeeded"))
      (nil (logerr "hg push failed")) ) )
# vi:et:ts=3:sw=3

   *Root "pilrepo/"
   *Repo (pack *Root "picoLisp/")
   *TgzUrl "http://software-lab.de/picoLisp.tgz";
   *Tgz (pack *Root "picoLisp.tgz")
*Curl (list 'curl '-z *Tgz '-o *Tgz '-w "%{http_code}" '--silent *TgzUrl) )
# TODO: email me
(de _alert ()
   NIL )
(de _download ()
   (log "Downloading @1..." *TgzUrl)
   (case (in *Curl (read))
      (200 (log "200 OK [@2 bytes]" (car (info Tgz))) T)
      (304 (log "304 Not modified") NIL)
      (T (logerr "@1 download failed" @) (_alert) NIL) ) )
(de _extract ()
   (ifn (call 'tar '-x '-z '-C *Root '-f *Tgz)
      (nil (logerr "'@1' extraction failed" *Tgz))
      T ) )
(de log @
   (out NIL
      (prinl (stamp) " PID: " *Pid " [INFO] " (pass text)) ) )
(de logerr @
   (out NIL
      (prinl (stamp) " PID: " *Pid  " [ERROR] " (pass text)) ) )
(de _commit ()
   (load (pack *Repo "src64/version.l"))
   (let Msg (glue "." *Version)
      (if (call 'hg 'commit '--cwd *Repo '-A '-m Msg)
         (t (log "hg commit -m '@1'" Msg))
         (nil (logerr "hg commit -m '@1' failed" Msg)) ) ) )

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