Hi Brad,

In fact we already have "a-kind-of" graph database! Isn't Prolog all about relation? And Pilog is Prolog on top of PicoLisp, no?

When we write:

    (be person (Vincent))

    (be person (Mia))

    (be loves (Vincent Mia 2015))

we define a relation called 'loves' between two 'persons' say 'Vincent' and 'Mia' which started in '2015'.

In cypher (Neo4's own query language) I would have written something like this:

create (n:Person {name: {Vincent}})-[:LOVES {since: {2015}}]->(m:Person {name: {Mia}})

Hence, as far as I understand PL, we are nearly there. My own open questions are:

    1) Can we commit the Pilog statements to the database?

2) Can we achieve something equivalent to the Pilog statements above directly from Lisp side and commit them to the database?


Le 14/11/2016 à 13:24, Brad Collins a écrit :
A graph database written in picolisp that uses something
like pilog would be very useful for me as well.

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