I like how you give both a rationale (of sorts) against, then a demonstration 
nevertheless of a deep copy. Very friendly! :)

> 5 dec. 2016 kl. 08:43 skrev Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>:
>> On Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 01:44:53AM -0500, Bruno Franco wrote:
>> Is there a function that would copy A so that no changes in any of the
>> nested lists in A would change B, and vice versa?
> You mean a "deep copy".
> Contrary to what one might expect, it is very rarely needed. At least I never
> needed it in my 35 years of Lisp. I almost never used even the single-level
> 'copy' function.
> Instead, you would rather re-consider your data structures, and operate on 
> them
> in a non-destructive way.
> Having said this, you can do e.g. a 2-level copy with
>   (mapcar copy List)
> For an arbitrary depth you must use recursion
>   (recur (List)
>      (if (atom List)
>         List
>         (cons (recurse (car List)) (recurse (cdr List))) ) )
>> Also, as a more general question, is there a name for when two variables
>> are entangled like this? Where changing one changes the other?
> The term is "destructive" operations. In the PicoLisp reference, all 
> destructive
> functions should be marked as that.
> ♪♫ Alex
> -- 
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