
i try to store a function is a database. Can somebody spot what i am doing

(pool "types.db") #empty
: (class +Function +Entity)
-> +Function
: (rel name (+Idx +String))
-> +Function
: (rel body (+Bag +Bag +Need))
-> +Function
? (select +Function)
{5} (+Function)
   name "1-to-N-sum"

{2} (+Function)
   name "fakultät"

{6} (+Function)
   name "sum2"

-> NIL
? (get {6} 'body)
-> NIL
? (get {2} 'body)
-> NIL
? (get {2} body)
-> NIL
? (request '(+Function) 'body '((N X) (+ N X )))  #New Function with this
body is created because nothing found
-> {13}
? (show {13})
-> (+Function)
? (request '(+Function) 'body '((N X) (+ N X )))  #New Function with this
body is created again!
-> {14}

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