Beautiful! Even works with 32-bit PicoLisp on Mac. ;-)


> On 17. Aug, 2017, at 13:53, Alexander Burger <> wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
>> Hi, I want to create a really simple PicoLisp Web application that
>> parses the URL, and does something. Probably something silly, e.g.,
>> visiting http://localhost/addition/2/2 returns a Web page showing 2+2 =
>> 4. Is there some small sample PicoLisp code I could look at or start
>> with?
> How about this:
> 1. Put these four lines into a file "addition.l":
>      (html 0 "Addition" NIL NIL
>         (let (A (format (next))  B (format (next)))
>            (<h2> NIL "Addition")
>            (prin A " + " B " = " (+ A B)) ) )
> 2. In the same directory start
>      $ pil @lib/http.l @lib/xhtml.l --server 8080 "" -wait
> 3. Connect a browser to
>      http://localhost:8080/addition.l?2&2
>   or, if httpGate is running with a default of 8080, just
>      http://localhost/addition.l?2&2
> ♪♫ Alex

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