I did some tests and I am feeling confused atm.

(de pg-trans X
   (run X 1) )

(de execute-eval @
   (mapcar eval (rest)) )

(de execute-run X
   (run X 1) )

(de assert-throws (Type . Prg)
   (prinl (catch Type (eval Prg))) )

(de assert-throws-q (Type Prg)
   (prinl (catch Type (eval Prg))) )

(de assert-throws-t Prg
   (prinl (catch T (eval Prg))) )

(de assert-throws-myerr Prg
   (prinl (catch 'myerr (eval Prg))) )

(de myerr-fun ()
   (throw 'myerr "EXIT") )

(prinl "EXECUTE EVAL")

   '(assert-throws 'myerr
       (pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )

   '(assert-throws-q 'myerr
       '(pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )

       (pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )

       (pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )]

(prinl "EXECUTE RUN")

   (assert-throws 'myerr
      (pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )

   (assert-throws-q 'myerr
      '(pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )

      (pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )

      (pg-trans (myerr-fun)) )]

[abel@abel-pc picolisp-playbook]$ pil uneval-fargs.l +
So its seems like unevaluated fargs always keep track of their environment
and work as intended.
Then I do not understand my issue in tests of pgint.l in one specific case
when I have to test exception thrown inside of (pg-trans). When I write
code that *will* throw and exception and I run it outside of
aw/picolisp-unit (execute) function it is catched and treated as intended.
But when I run corrupted (pg-trans ...) *inside* of (execute) function it
stops with "pg-db-err -- Tag not found".

At first I thought that the cause of this error in quoting requirement for
test-cases. So in order to run test cases you have to run:
   '(assert-t ...) ]
Execute function looks like this:
[de execute @
  (mapcar eval (randomize (rest) ]

But when yesterday I tried to rewrite (execute) to use (run) for evaluating
fargs I met the same error, surprisingly.

Then I thought that the case probably with (assert-throws) function where
testbody executed with (eval):
[de assert-throws (Type Error Result Message)
  (let Result (catch Type (eval Result) NIL)
    (if (= Error Result)
        (passed Message)
        (failed Error Result Message) ]

But I tested similar behaviour in my test above and it seems correct.

After that I played a little with test case itself:

   '(assert-throws 'pg-db-err NIL
           (catch 'pg-data-err (pg-execute "SELECT 1/0;"))
           '(pg-execute "SELECT 1;") ) )
quoted second farg works well

   '(assert-throws 'pg-db-err NIL
           (catch 'pg-data-err (pg-execute "SELECT 1/0;"))
           (pg-execute "SELECT 1;") ) )
unquoted fails with "pg-db-err -- Tag not found"

   '(assert-throws 'pg-db-err NIL
           (catch 'pg-data-err (pg-execute "SELECT 1/0;"))
           (catch 'pg-db-err (pg-execute "SELECT 1;")) ) )
unquoted second farg with (catch) on this specific fun works well

       (catch 'pg-db-err  # or T
             (catch 'pg-data-err (pg-execute "SELECT 1/0;"))
             (pg-execute "SELECT 1;") ) ) )
explicit (catch) fails as well.

Probably Im missing something?

Best regards, Nail.

сб, 19 янв. 2019 г. в 16:57, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>:

> On Sat, Jan 19, 2019 at 04:27:53PM +0300, Abel Normand wrote:
> > So I have a question, is there a reason to quote functions used as args
> for
> > functions with manually evaluated arguments? I thought that there is no
> > such reason to quote this sub S-expressions because they are not
> evaluated
> > anyway (due to function declaration like for pg-trans or assert-throws)
> You mean FEXPRs, like
>    (de pg-trans X
>       ... )
> where 'X' is bound to the unevaluated argument list, right? As this
> function
> later *does* evaluate the args with (mapc eval X), it is indeed not good to
> quote these args, as you *want* them to be evaluated.
> If they are quoted, they evaluate to the expression itself, instead of
> being
> executed, and this makes no sense here.
> BTW, instead of (mapc eval X) it is better to call (run X) or even
> better (run X 1).
> ☺/ A!ex
> --
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С уважением, Наиль.

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