Thank you  Joh-Tob,


On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 9:50 PM Joh-Tob Schäg <> wrote:

> Hi Derenik,
> i know of no hoster which provides setup or support for PicoLisp. You
> are on your own, but that is less scary that it sounds:
> 1. Pick a Linux/BSD of your choice
> 2. install PicoLisp from source or package manager
> 3. Setup a proxy server to handle encryption etc. (NGINX + HTTP-Gate
> or just HTTP gate) and add it to your "autostart".
> The best you can  hope for is a well managed Linux installation, which
> is not worth paying extra money for when you have 10h-20h hours to
> spare to setup it up once well. (Think unattended updates, monitoring
> with email notifications, occasional backup, automatic Let's Encrypt
> key renewal, ssh login with keys only, DNS name (all things for which
> tutorials exist readily.))
> As for hosters:
> I only looked for budget hosters in Germany. There are two which might
> be interesting:
>  * Hetzner: Provides non bullshit service and charges very
> transparently. Some things cost them money but you are not paying much
> more than they are. It has good dedicated servers which are really
> cheap when you find something that fit's you bill. I would only
> consider them if you have >30€ to spend per month. I have had good
> experience with them.
>  * For anything cheaper you have to go with a VPS. I've been eyeing a
> hoster caller Contabo which has pretty sweet vServer deals starting
> from 8€ a month.
> It all depends on your time and money budget.
> If you are not planning to host your web-app online for a few months
> even a Linux (VM) on your local PC would work.
> If you tell us more about your situation we can give more tailored
> insights. I am positive that you can setup it well. Be not afraid to
> ask.
> Sincerely,
> freemint
> On Mon, 10 Jun 2019 at 20:39, Derenik Mikaelyan <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to use picolisp for making a web-app. I'm not good at
> server-side setups and maintenance. Is there any cloud hosting-service that
> provides well managed picolisp installation (for reasonable monthly fee)?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Derenik
> --

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