Hi JmageK,

> I was recently thinking, 'How can you do image processing in picolisp' Like
> reading a file, changing some color values, etc.

> : (in"file.jpg"(do 9 (prinl (rd]or
> : (in"file.jpg"(do 40(PR(rd]For now just knowing how to read the file 
> contents as an array of color values like if rgb then (255 23 123 23 1 0 44 
> 65..) would be sufficient, but a better way is always welcome. I would be 
> testing with jpg or PNG.

Just (rd) reads a full s-expression in PLIO format. Not suitable for raw data.

To read a file byte-wise, try (rd 1)

   (in "file"
         (do (car (info "file"))
            (link (rd 1)) ) ) )

☺/ A!ex

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