
I have recently come to know about PicoLisp. I am finding it very nice
and extremely interesting, especially the spirit behind it, its
foundation choices and its community.

I would like to learn the language and see if I can use
it for a small-to-medium size project I am helping with, for a
non-profit association.

I tried searching the Wiki, the Mailing List and the the IRC logs, but
my searching is not fruitful.

Could you point to me how to search for these topics:

1. Does PicoLisp have a "live image" one could connect to remotely?

2. Is it possible to wrap a PicoLisp program to produce an
"executable", like for example cx-Freeze[1] for Python?

3. If not, how could one "protect" the source code after deployment?

4. If possible, where can one download the PicoLisp Mailing List

I would like to search and browse offline, using my own mail
reader. Mail-archive.com's FAQ says, "You can use any website
mirroring tool to download an archive in HTML format to your local
computer."[2] But that HTML makes it quite difficult to read for
people with weak sight.

5. Are there any PicoLisp events one could attend, preferably in
Europe and in English? I am currently based in North Italy and I would
like to attend one if I can.

Thank you so much to PicoLisp creator and the community for keeping
community alive and thriving. PicoLisp is a joy to use.


[1] https://pypi.org/project/cx-Freeze/

[2] https://www.mail-archive.com/faq.html#download

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