
I've added a [1]GitHub Workflow (https://git.io/Jvezm) which automatically builds, tests, and packages *every* new version of PicoLisp pushed to the repo.

For now the packages are only available as "artifacts" on GitHub, so it's a bit difficult to find them:

  1. See the [2]list of commits (https://git.io/Jveuh)
  2. Click the 'green check' next to the commit date
  3. Click 'Details' for the arch you want (src = x86 = 32bit)
  4. At the right of the page, click the arrow under 'Artifacts'
  5. Download and extract the .zip of the package you want

See [3]this page (https://git.io/JvezY) for the latest v20.1.3 build results.

This approach allows you to quickly test a correctly built/installed version of PicoLisp without requiring any build dependencies.

To build PicoLisp on your own, please follow tankf33der's [4]build instructions.

[1] https://github.com/picolisp/picolisp/blob/dev/.github/workflows/main.yml
[2] https://github.com/picolisp/picolisp/commits/dev
[3] https://github.com/picolisp/picolisp/runs/372383388
[4] https://git.envs.net/mpech/tankf33der/src/branch/master/install-picolisp.md


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